
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 20:55:54
1 It is easy for travelers to get lost in the j______ of South America根据首字母提示写出单词的适当形式,并使句意正确完整. 已知双曲线8kx的平方-ky的平方=2的一个焦点坐标为(0.-3/2),求K值 相邻的两个数是不是互质数? 关于造句的,谢谢请造两个句子.有人说,母亲是疲惫中的一杯龙井,母亲是烦恼中的一曲古筝.倾仿照上面句子,同样以“母亲”为陈述对象写两个句子 各选3个造两个句子造句粗制滥造,藏污纳垢,郁郁寡欢,鹤立鸡群,正襟危坐,颔首低眉,诚惶诚恐,无可置疑,黯然失色,广袤无垠,中各选3个造两个句子.粗制滥造,藏污纳垢,郁郁寡欢,鹤立鸡群, In these holidays most businesses close and the workers stay at home and celebrate with their families是什么意思 they lost their way in the forest and___made matters worse was that night began to fall.A) that B) it C) what D) which为什么选择C呢.I do not know why.that 只起连接作用,在句中不充当成分。what 为连接代词,引导主语从句 一定要非常详细. most children stay at home until they __school agea getb come c reachd arrive 这题我选a答案选C,我觉得d 好像也不像是错的.知道的告诉我怎么回事 Easy to get also easy to lose 定义一个Java类Point,用来描述平面直角坐标系中点的坐标.着急啊,在线等!2.按下面的要求完成Java Application程序,写出程序的运行结果.(1)定义一个Java类Point,用来描述平面直角坐标系中点的坐 We lost our way in the forest.Worse still,night began to fall.He may be late or,worse still,be may not come at all. 1、Do the students stay( )home(1、Do the students stay( )home( )Sunday? 2、Who`s the boy( )the blue coat? 3、Can you tell me the way( )the cinema? 5、lt`s time( 定义一个描述平面坐标系统中点及其操作的类Point.(Java)定义一个描述平面坐标系统中的点及其操作的类Point.它有两个double型私有属性x和y描述点在坐标轴中的位置.该类还包含如下方法:初始 JAVA 定义一个Point类 它的对象是指一个平面上的点(x,y),在定义Point类中要定义它的三个构造函数定义一个Point类 它的对象是指一个平面上的点(x,y),在定义Point类中要定义它的三个构造函数,并且 循环小数就是什么 You haven't lost the ticket ,have you ?--__.I know it's not easy to get another one at the moment.A Ihope not BYes, I have .选哪这是一道反义疑问句,那为什么选A,而不是B呢?从语法角度来说,谢了 A:You haven't lost the ticket,have you?B:I hope ___. i wish i ( ) the ticket.A.haven't lost B.didn't lose C.lost D.don't lose I___to see the film because I have lost my ticket.A.won`t go B.didn`t go C.don`t go D.haven`t gone 一个两位数,两个数位上的和是15,如果个位上的数字是x,则这个两位数是( ) ( )称为循环小数,它可分为( )循环小数和( )循环小数. 追问 循环小数又分为什么循环小数和什么循环小数 无限循环小数可以分为5分钟内给100分 小数分为哪几种?什么叫循环小数? 数列填空题:答案为486 you didn't lose the train ticket,did you?_____.I know it is not easy to get another one nowyou didn't lose the train ticket,did you?_____.I know it is not easy to get another one nowA I think so.B I hope not.C I don't think so.标准答案是B.... ()-He didn't catch the train,did he?-____,though he was caught in the rain. 已知直线l1;y=x与l2;y=(-根号3/3)x的上方有一点p,p到l1,l2的距离分别为2倍根号2和2倍根号3,求点p坐标 it didn't take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions中 didn't long 是固定搭配吗 1.一个两位元数,个位数位是十位元数位的2倍,若个位数字为a,则这个两位数表示为__.1.一个两位元数,个位数位是十位元数位的2倍,若个位数字为a,则这个两位数表示为__.2.一个正方形的边 已知函数fx=x+x分之1判断函数奇偶性 试用定义判断fx在(1,正无穷)上的单调性