
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 17:07:35
电脑的电源是什么ATX+380的,功率是多少? ATX电源? 一个鑫谷SG-390ATX-FL ATX 电源 打开发现7500烧坏 供电12脚的电阻和二极管都烧坏 全部换掉后 开机量电压都正常 可是接到主版上 刚开机就烧掉7500 连换几个都是 主板是没问题的 Jack was killed at the early morning of May 1st ,1927,为什么用at believe me.I'm not kidding you. The _____ of blood always makes him feel sickA、sight B、view C、scene D、look 部分水解蛋白配方奶粉 哪个口味好点哪个好 水解蛋白配方奶粉都有哪几种 We think a r( ) will give us much help in future Good h------can give you much help. He felt ______(terrible) ill yesterday.So he had to see the doctor. 深度水解蛋白配方粉怎么转喝其它奶粉 用哪个成语比较好? 哪个成语运用不当?A.比赛热闹非凡,九岁的超级女生,在台上唱得很投入,可谓是忘乎所以.B.他从小就养成了很多好习惯,在人声鼎沸的环境里,还能够专心读书.C.小鸭子一下掉向这边,一下掉向那 Early __the moring of May 1,we started off __the mountain villageA in for B on for 不是说 具体的某一天用On吗?这题为什么选A guarranty和warranty有什么区别我在印度谈生意时客户说起guarranty和warranty,他们有什么区别呢 guarantee 和 warranty 有什么区别能否简单些,我看了一个解释,还是搞不大懂. —Whose umbrellas are those?—_________选项:A.They are mine. B.They are your. C.They are his.(请将答案发来,并逐一解释) 绝缘材料的性能受哪些因素的影响? 色彩的三个属性分别受哪些因素影响? they are they shoes(改错) whose shoes are they A they are mine B they are myC they are me ______shoes are they?这个填空怎么写 I don`t think that it`s true.He`s alaways telling strange stories. I don't think that it's ture.He's always telling stange stories.为什么要用telling?为什么要用telling, 氨基酸奶粉怎么转换成深度水解奶粉 i am very honored还是honor说明原因 No kidding,I am very moved中文怎么说 Out of Warranty 英语高手帮忙翻译一下 用差【chai】组词!差【chai】是二声! 英语翻译第一个很久很久以前,一位普通的洗碗匠莱昂正在寒冷的冬天里洗刷盘子,受伤裂开了道道口子,这时,公主夏洛特走了过来,善意的说,这很疼吧.这就是后来影响莱昂一生的夏洛特公主, 粉状减水剂、速凝剂现在让用吗?现在减水剂、速凝剂是不是不让用粉状的了?有没有相应的规范?