
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 08:36:01
you的反身代词andyou的代词 对画龙点睛的理解. 如何用茎叶图表示3位数拜托各位大神 茎叶图十位数部分是按照大小顺序写还是按照实验顺序写 Did you enjioy_?填反身代词 Suddenly,as she was riding fast,she()sirens(警笛).A.heard B listened to C found D saw过去时的文章 求分析句子结构Everyone is polite until,waiting in a line for lunch ,she was pushed aside suddenly.waiting in a line for lunch 在句中做什么成分? local government是什么意思 were for she still waiting her heard they.连词成句, 包裹的近义词是什么? you的反身代词 茎叶图遇三位数以上的数必须考虑有效数字吗如果是五位数呢?那茎是4位叶是一位,对么? 在线急求! 伊索寓言里一部分的详细故事和寓意 篇目名如下.篇目: .总共是十四篇,希望各位亲帮忙一下找全了发上来,若是故事内容和寓意都如实齐全的亲,我追加悬赏分!拜托了给位亲.> yourself 的形容词性物主代词 美国的11艘航母会不会齐聚波斯湾? 美国最多会向波斯湾派多少艘航母? 贪渎什么意思 about girl friendwe love each other,when she ask me about when can we get married,i cannot give her a certain reply,only because i have no money now.how should i answer her 请帮忙译:listen to a boy asking a girl about her e-friend.我翻译出来的是:听听一个男孩一个女孩问她的朋友. 怎么念,涅磐的凤凰 赎渎怎么解释 我这样是在赎渎我的感情吗?自从失去了她之后我特别想再找一个女朋友~可能是因为她是我的第一个女朋友是第一个给了这种爱的感觉吧所以特别不想失去~或许我是想找回这种感觉才会总这 鲁滨逊漂流记读后感500 如何快速分辨一大数是质数还是合数 大数是质数的两个数是互质数是什么意思? 赎渎是什么意思 英语翻译Caring for the sick requires a great deal of patience. It's a long story,but you can hardly find new words in it.Good!__it will be too hard for childrenA.Or B.And C.But D.So it's a long story,but you can hardly find new words in itgood!____it will be easy for childrenA:so B:because C:but D:though It's a long story,but you can hardly find new words in it 翻译句子 —it's a long story ,but you can hardly find any new words in it.__good! __ it will be too hard for children. so and but or 为什么选OR 而不是but It's a long story,but there are few new words in it.Good!___it will be hard for children.A.SoB.OrC.ButD.And选哪个,为什么?