
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 01:35:08
569000亿元 用科学记数法表示为()亿元? By 1950,football---the most popular game everywhere in the world.(become) 把一个长方体的高增加3厘米就变成了一个正方体,表面积比原来增加了60平方厘米,原长方体的表面积是多少平方厘米、原来的体积是多少、 甲地与乙地相距100M,A在甲地出发,B在乙地出发(同时),A并且牵了1只狗(同时).甲速度6M/S,乙4M/S,狗10M/S.狗先遇到乙后,马上折回,遇到甲之后又折回去见乙,来来回回之后,甲乙与狗一起相遇.问 此时 太阳系主要天体在运动过程中有时排成”十字连星状”但不会给地球带来大劫难,这是为什么从太阳 月球 其它行星的质量大小,离地球的距离大小来说明 有哪些天体系统是天体根据运动组合组成的?彗星为什么离太阳近时有尾巴? 向心力是让天体绕太阳运动的原因吗? 哪些天体围绕太阳转,它们个有什么特点 Football is one of the most popular _________in the world.A sports B sport C sports' Football is one of ______ (world) the most popular sports. European football is played in 80 countries,______it the most popular sport in the world.A.make B.making C.made D.makes 为什么? 太阳系主要天体形成“十字连星”形状的原因是? 像太阳一样发光的天体叫( )星像地球一样的天体叫( )星 太阳系主要天体排列成十字连星的原因是什么? 太阳是什么星? 黑洞引力不断吸收会变成什么样的天体.如太阳,行星,怛星吗或其它的天体 many people think that football is _____far the most popular sport in Britain.A as 'B with C byD athow to do it? 花樽与花 粤语发音 求类似罗马音发音的标注~全部歌词的标注…………答得好有加分!你靠他靠近 愈合了断层静待吻痕铭刻皱纹你抱的叫恨 恨互抱未能令睡意填满他饥馑你渴望安心 他只有安 “晚安”在粤语中是怎么发音的? 粤语"你"的发音粤语中”你“这个字声母是n还是l,怎么听到发l的多点? 什么是平舌音和翘舌音 football may be the most -------- of all the games.people in many------aroung the world like Rock music usually ___________ the young people in most countries.A.applies to B.appeals to C.amazes to D.actress Young people like jeans most.(改为同义句) Young people like playing football.同义句 there is going to ( ) a basketball match tomorrow.A have B.has C.be D is There is going to(has,have)a football match tomorrow. There is going to have a basketball match tomorrow 病句 把改后的答案写出来 They will have a football match if it is fine tomorrow同意句They_____have a football match if it ____ tomorrow the most of 与most of 的区别 most of students 与most of the students的区别. most students most of students most of the students都对么?all students all the students?all of the students?