
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 21:18:50
It's a fine day.let's go to(). her new book is ____ _____ _____(和你一样) yours the girl is busy ____ _____(写……给)her fatheryours the girl is busy ______ _____(写……给)her father at home she stays at school ______ Monday ______(从……到……)Friday 绞丝旁加个玉怎么读 there is the computer on a table there is a computer on the tablethere is the computer on a tablethere is the computer on a table 错在哪儿 Does your pen on the table?改错A:Does B :your C:on 这哪里错了 我看不出来 what a fine day it is同义句 为什麽是这样 It's a very fine day today.的同义句改写成:There____enough____today.真实迅速啊.....这是明天要交的作业呢...因为有两位的回答都是一样的..所以只好按时间顺序来...采纳排在前头的咯...第二位 ..第三位 填个词i don t know what I can do about it,I’m completely____(迷茫,不知所措) 绞丝旁加个夸读什么?.打出拼音 绞丝旁加个州怎么读 英语 the food on the table is tasteless同义句the food on the table—— —— ——at all. The food on the table is tasteless.(改为同义句) the food on the table is tasteless 改为同义句 the foodthe food on the table is tasteless改为同义句the food on the table ___ ___ ___at all ( ) food is on the tableA Lot of B ManyC A lot D Lots of where does the beer can want to go的意思 Where does the boy want to go Where does Tom want to go on may 16th?快回答 Where does the tourist want to go?短文上的,四年级课堂跟踪上的不是中文 I'm writing to you to ask for help.I'm not f__.There are many r__in my family In case of my not being here,please ask my assistant to help you.为什么要用my而不是me 或者 I Over the past ten years ,over这里是介词吗1 Over the past ten years over,在这里意思,理解为 2 十年来,英语都有哪些说法,举两个例子就够了3 十年来,他帮助了至少500 名大学生,他出资,资助他们上大学.英语 where can you see on the tabie?-a map of china. over the past year.这儿的 大明的外套是黄色的 翻译英文 over the past centuriesOver the past centuries,Chinese people _____their unique tea culture,which includes tea planting,tea-leaf picking and so on.A.had developed B have developed C develop D are developing过去完成时对现在没有影响? over the past是什么意思 1.Look at the map!Beijing is in the ___ of China you should not ask_____ to do what you can't do a you b your c yours d yourself Do you want to come along ——( ).I'will have to go to the airport to see my son off A.Not exactly B.Not really C.No way D.No wonder I come to the airport s______to see you off I hear that you will come to Beijing ,that指什么? I am pleased to know that you will come to Nanjing.大恩不言谢假如你是王林,你的美国朋友Daniel将来到南京学习,他想了解所到中学附近得滨江图书馆(Binjiang Public Library).请根据海报中的信息,给他发一封