
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:15:11
我国第一部纪传体通史是司马迁写的对吗? 我国第一部纪传体通史是《史记》对还错 henry lives in------- ---------- ----------- ------------亨利住在伦敦的西部 I become closer to everyone in my class. 麻烦分析She has become very sophisticated since she went to live in London能不能主句用一般过去式呢?主句为什么要用完成式呢? everyone here____to become richa wishesb wishing为何B不对呢? 计算题(一定要过程,包括设,方程式等)在一烧杯中盛有100克 FeCl3和HCl的混合溶液,向其中逐渐滴加溶质质量分数为12%的NaOH溶液,沉淀的质量与所滴入NaOH溶液的质量关系如图所示.请根据题意回 方程应用题甲同学说“二环路车流量为每小时1000辆.”乙同学:“四环路比三环路车流量车流量的差是是二环路车流量地二倍.”丙同学:“三环路车流量的3倍与四环路车流量的差是二环路的 2分之1—(4分之3+8分之3)脱式计算 3分之8*(3分之1-21分之8*16分之8) 计算题, 史记是我国第一部———体通史,鲁迅称它为“—————”. 《史记》是我国第一部【 】通史,作者是【 】(朝代)的【 】.鲁迅称这部书是“ ,” there is \are two boxes of chalk on the desk? 英语翻译This merchandise was thoroughly inspected and carefully packed before leaving our plant.Responsibility for its safe delivery was assumed by the carrier at the time of shipment.Claims for loss or damage to the contents,should therefore,be do’t forget to login to claim your badges是什么意思 there ____ two boxes of chalk on the desk.应该填 is 还是 are? i am writing to find out the facts ( ) to your recent insurance claima .be related b .relate c.relating I't dare to return to your side 这句话的意思是什么,急用! 必胜客披萨和意大利正宗的披萨有何区别 披萨的原料 做披萨需要什么原料?我打算自己做披萨,准备上网买一些材料,目前只知道要买奶酪和黄油.做披萨还需要什么东西呀, There______two boxes of milk on th table. 是two spoonful of milk 还是two spoonfuls of milk?为什么? We bought __________boxes of such apples yesterday.A three dozen B three dozens C three dozens of D three dozen of为什么是A? 司马迁的《史记》原名《太史公书》,是我过历史上第一部纪传体通史,被郭沫若成为是价值绝唱,无韵之离骚这句话对不对? 1919年,中国能参加巴黎和会的主要原因是因为是因为:中国是一战的战胜国还是和会涉及中国的问题 英语翻译For instance,if you compare Toronto with the US metropolis of Detroit only 160 kilometres away,in Detroit only 1% of passenger travel is by public transport whereas in Toronto it's 24% which is considerably better than Sydney which can on 1919年的巴黎和会和1945年的雅尔塔会议的不同之处 How do you choose the public transport 翻译 某轮船在静水中的速度为a千米/时,水流的速度为b千米/时,则轮船的顺水速度是? 翻译“organize the world's information”“serve the interest of the public" 翻译:You can easily pick up a virus on your hands,for example from a handrail on public transport.急!