
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 11:26:40
7.jessica wants to become —4—though her partents want her to go into business.1.the doctor 2.one7.jessica wants to become —4—though her partents want her to go into business.1.the doctor 2.one doctor 3.doctorc 4.a doctor 机械具有的性质,叫做运动_____________?是一道初二的填空题,寻求答案是什么? 哪些蔬菜吃花 这种花是什么花, 机械运动的上述性质叫?别给我复制一些乱七八糟的东西 这是什么花,能吃吗 Please draw the ourtain;the sunlight is too bright翻译成中文 Give the medat to 没有句号的句子是句子吗?没有结局的爱情是爱情吗? 能否帮我写一个社会活动调查?酸雨对人类生活的危害 the sun is bright and the sky is ( ) 我知道CAD是用来产品设计的,谁能比较具体的说明下CAE、CAM软件的功能通常有什么? He comes the record, running it down 这句话怎么翻译?原文如下:Look at Bolt gold. It's a three-meter lead.He is coming to the homestretch. He comes the record, running it down.B* and catch him. God, he is gonna do it again. What's the job, PRIMO BAR NIGHTCLUB怎么样 the school offices are behind the library 改为倒装句 front的意思及“It's in front of the CD Waikman?”的意思是什么? there is a space 的space space 既可数又不可数是吗?那这里的space是指一个位子,那么什么时候不可数? 薄壳结构的著名建筑有什么? 跷跷板的右臂有水平位置被按下了10°,求这是跷跷板的左臂与支撑杆OA所构成的夹角∠c'OA的大小 求大神讲解英语中不及物动词用法 In the distance,there is no end to a smile answers. 头重脚轻、张牙舞爪、囫囵吞枣是褒义词还是贬义词?如题 把下列成语按感情的不同,分两类写下来 画蛇添足 雪中送炭 自高自大 一丝不苟 张牙舞爪 全神贯注赏心悦目 盛气凌人 深情厚谊 不慌不忙 单选:May I ask a favour of you?_________ A.It's my pleasure B.Sure,go ahead 空圈是什么意思?建筑上的 文章最后一段中“降低建筑之间的‘相对高度’”这句话的意思 阴谋诡计是褒义词还是贬义词还是中性词. 氯化钾镀锌电压上不去 Even if the time and distance is a wall ,You are also my Only true love can with stand the pain of departing,where there is love,there are always miracles. 喜出望外是褒义词还是中性词, Mike says he ___(want) to be a worker after he___(finish) school.顺便说一下理由,先说一下我写的。wants finishes 因为好像找不到什么好时态了。