
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 05:55:16
I don't like carrots, and i like green beans.这句话错在哪里?正确的应该是怎样? I don't like carrots,and I like green beans.哪里错了,改正 help me translate into english.tks退还物品 TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH,TKS你冤枉我 计算机就业?学英语有什么就业方向?理科生,一本,女 学英语怎么样?就业呢? 实践是见之于客观的活动,所以实践是改造世界的一切活动 help me translate below sentences ,tks a lotsuch conduct was despicable and so vile,base or contemptible that it would be looked down upon and despised by reasonable people. 随风潜入夜,润物细无声.潜读() 随风潜入夜,润物细无声.潜:润物:诗句的意识: 随风潜入夜,润物细无声 My uncle___in this city sice living B.has lived C.lived 单选Books are the important records we keep___ man’s thoughts,ideas and feelings.A upB ofC forD on为什么选 of the tree of The more a man learns,the more he sees his ignorance计算题 翻译:It must be pointed out that it is one of our basic state policies to control population growth while raising the quality of the population I really care about you 随风潜入夜,润物细无声 中润物的意思是什么? 综合上面两则材料,请你用简洁的语言概括出材料所揭示的问题材料一:我国石油、天然气人均剩余可采储量只有世界平均水平的7.7%和7.1%;储量比较丰富的煤炭也只有世界平均水平的58.6%.加 詹姆斯后背英文单词纹身是什么 大学老师有没有资格不让同学参加期末考试他说我缺了3次课,态度不好,不让考,口气也很嚣张 a wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountains top.wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountains top. 还有这个 translation No amount of 表示再多的吗?No amount of coffee 看一个首歌曲里面的翻译,是这样翻译的.No 不是表示否定吗?No amount of 是固定的意思吗? The virtuous from anxiety,a wise man perplexed,afraid of the brave,strong heart can solve a lot of regrets in life.中文的意思是什么? An easy English problem_______the home work,the little boy didn't dare to go to school.A.Not finishing B.Not finised C.Having not finished D.good not as half as Please writes the progress clear,thank you!I'm sorry,the number D,I wrote wrong ,It's"Not 以文言文格式,帮我写一句来形容脸皮厚不要脸的人. an easy english帮我看看有没语法错误,To my surprise ,it was then that l found she isn't that time ,l sweated off my face .ha ha l am playing a strike on her. the wise man knows he konws nothing,but the fool thinks he knows it all不要直译,谚语? As the old saying goes, a wise man knows his own _B___. 选项: a、limitation b、imitations c、limit d、limits "一部分人"在古文用什么词表达 古代人有“老年痴呆症”吗?这个病用文言文怎么表达? An important maths problem已知42 35 31.5-- = -- = ----a b c求abc的最小值a,b,c是整数