
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 02:41:35
这是一双袜子 的英文翻译 我只有一双袜子 用英语怎么说 一双袜子英文 为什么要分revenue expenditure 和 captial expenditure如题 capital expenditure和revenue expenditure的区别是什么?希望指教! Revenue and Capital Expenditures1.Classify the following as either a revenue or a capital expenditure.A.Paid $40,000 cash to replace a compressor on a refrigeration system that extends its useful life by four years.B.Paid $200 cash per truck for the different between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure要英文解答谢谢 there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed.talking前为什么不用people are there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed.翻译,并解释那从句是什么从句 there are other people where talking loudly is not allowed中的where talking loudly 是什么从句 连词成句 there some are where places talking allowed loudly is not there are other places where talk loudly is not allowed.talking前为什么不用people are x^(2x 1) 求导x^(2x+1),是这个 求导:√(x²+2x) 儿科牙医用英语怎么说儿科牙医应该怎么翻译?是children dentist还是children's dentist 伯牙和钟子期是怎么相遇的 儿科洗手间的英文是? 以知x+x^-1=3,求x^2/3+x^-2/3.再求:x^2/3-x^-2/3应该是:x^(2/3)-x^(-2/3)x^(2/3)+x^(-2/3) 等角的余角相等的题设和结论说什么 [高一数学]已知x^1/2-x^(-1/2)=3,求【x^3/2+x^(-3/2)】/[x^1/2+x^(-1/2)]的值.因为 x^3/2+x^(-3/2) = [x^1/2+x^(-1/2)] [x - x^1/2 * x^(-1/2) + x^(-1) ]所以 [x^3/2+x^(-3/2)]/[x^1/2+x^(-1/2)] = x - x^1/2 * x^(-1/2) + x^(-1) = x + (1/x) -1因为 |x+1|+|x-1| 你游览过什么地方回忆一下写一段话110字 你童年的记忆中,谁给你的印象最深刻?请你围绕“他(她)”写一段话,把这种印象再现 语文五年级下第二单元12个成语的解释!我要用! 初一数学全球"温室效应",将导致南极万年冰层融化,海平面升高.珠江三角洲地区地平均海拔高度不足0.3米,加上地面又在以每年0.78毫米的速度下沉.近年以来,南极的这些冰融化成水后导致世界 命题“等角的余角相等"的题设是……,结论是…… 你游览过什么地方,这些地方给你留下了怎样的印象?请回忆自己的印象最深刻的地方,写一段话. 有关红楼梦与西游记的题目.《红楼梦》知多少3、不止一次的出现在大观园中,一个平凡劳苦的农家老妇,常被大家取笑戏弄的人是 .4、活动和结局与四大家族的衰亡过程同步,精明能干,能说会 新加坡地名:37,TANNERY LANE,#03-08 TANNERY HOUSE,SINGAPORE 347790怎么翻译 什么叫做电桥的灵敏度 何谓电桥灵敏度,跟什么因素有关系 是8是在节日的前面的介词都是atTom visited us in Beijing _______Chinese New YearA.for B.in C.on D.at我们老师说选DWHY