
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:44:47
l live far from school 变成一般疑问句 原始社会时期,男女的社会地位如何 一道有关形容词排列的选择题1.In the middle of the reading room she caught sight of ( ) table.A.an old round brown large B.a large round brown oldC.a large old round brown D.a brown large old round the underlined word "tired" means " " in Chinese 从原始社会到春秋战国时期,人们的生产工具发生了怎样的变化?这种变化起了什么作用 Jessica和Krystal我是Sone,最喜欢Jessica,也很喜欢Krystal.很想知道她们两个样貌,声音,综艺技能,舞蹈等各方面的评比.J的音域和K的音域谁的更宽,唱功谁的更好?Lun,Jessica和泰妍的唱功排名. the underlined word“it”refers to“the idea”翻译成汉语 krystal 和 jessica 国籍jessica 是美国国籍 身份证上的名字也是jessicakrystal 是韩国国籍Tiffany是美国籍 家在美国 看了你的回答 为什么 krystal 和 jessica 的国籍不一样啊 不是亲姐妹吗 两个应该都是 There is _"l" in the word "smile" the underlined word in paragraph 2 refers 英语翻译1.欢迎来到派对!我要做一个新发明,能够帮助我抓到蓝精灵!2.希望越大,失望越大.3.淘气精灵!4.没有什么能阻止我~5.我也参加营救行动,人多力量大.6.不用担心,蓝精灵不会在乎你是从何 The underlined word "it" in the passage refer to.其中 refer to 英语翻译Product family common names include Portland Cement (TypeⅠ,TypeⅡ,TypeⅤ),TypeⅡ PC,and Well Cement;sold as a dense gray powder in bulk or packaged in heavy paper sacks.这句话中Well Cement,和heavy paper sacks该分别怎么译? 史铁生的离去令人为之痛惜,作家张炜在接受记者采访时说:1 我不能不去想象他的劳作,他是怎样写出这一个个字的2他以常人难以想象的坚韧顽强的生命力,不断地将思与诗掷到这个异常喧嚣 食物链就是大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米,这种说对还是错?食物链就是大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米,这种? 为什么气球装入了水后可以在水中浮起来 大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米 是不是食物链 )"大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米"这一谚语中,隐含的食物链是________. 俗语“大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米,虾米吃泥巴”中的食物链? 英语翻译英语翻译:1、南方五月份经常下雨2、他出生于1958年6月2日.3、谢谢你给我指路.4、今天报纸上有什么好消息吗? SHE IS MY SIN 歌曲评论-感受SHE IS MY SIN 谁告诉你听这个歌曲是什么感觉.分享下,谈谈你的理解为什么是一个英雄呢? The boys aren't doing a good job,are they?A.I guess not so B.I don't guess soC.I don't guess D.i guess not I like seeing kids happy and,if they_,it makes my job a lot easier.a,are b.do c.will d.have 用定语从句合并下列句子.1.The lady is a film star .You took a photo of the lady yesterday.2.What is the address of the factory?we noticed the advertisement of the other day 3.this is the stadium .He often goes to the station on Sundays.4.He "信息"的单词怎么写?..是可数名词吗? 请问英文单词tear为什么是可数名词?(1)复数形式是tears,眼泪难道是可数的吗?(2)陌生单词在不知道词意的情况下如何判断是可数名词或不可数名词? 浮游植物→小鱼→海豹→虎鲸这条食物链中,鲸增加1kg的体重,至少消费浮游植物多少kg是一道生物能量流动的计算题懂的朋友请注明解题过程 1.有一条食物链,浮游植物→小鱼→海豹→虎鲸,要使虎鲸吃海报增加2千克,至少消耗浮游植物 千克 ,最多消耗浮游植物 千克2.在一个食物网中,若想增加某种生物的数量,应该选择 食物链.3.流经 一条食物链为:浮游植物-小鱼-海豹-虎鲸.若虎鲸增加1公斤体重,最多消耗浮游植物的量为A 1公斤B 10 公斤C 125公斤D 1000公斤为什么 1.They are good at singing.They are good at dancing(用not only...but also)They ____________ __________ __________good at singing ____ _____good at dancing 2.The little boy spent two hours in doing his homework(改为同义句)It____ the boy two ho Not only did they explain to us the important of doing the work but they also told us the best w...Not only did they explain to us the important of doing the work but they also told us the best way to do it. He is doing this only to a_____ his parents Young children are hardly ever tired ,for they are alwaHe is doing this only to a_____ his parents Young children are hardly ever tired ,for they are always e____The people there feel c____ that they can ov