
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/29 22:11:40
关于please的适当形式.求方法.什么pleased咯、pleasure这类的.请举例说明下词性和用法. 请用名词性从句的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句各造一个句.要简单一点. 什么的风光 写词语 填合适的词:什么的风景 多愁善感林黛玉悲葬花下联是什么 写风光诗句 找了老师补语法,老师说补来不及了,就每次给我讲一些题,可我是语法盲,每次选择题下来错一片,那个补课老师还不紧不慢的又开始给我讲语法,每次就照着语法书给我念2条,根本没用.真的来不 我现在是高三,零基础学英语,高一高二英语一直是50分(满分150分),现在准备从背3500开始,可是效果不好,有谁有经历有经验的能否帮帮忙,出出主意? Sorry I really have hard time to send message in Chinese to you. Have lot to say to you but tim...Sorry I really have hard time to send message in Chinese to you. Have lot to say to you but time is always so short. Miss you a lot and the sweet memor I really have hard time to When she saw herself in the front of the mirror,her eyes shone and soon her face lost it's color. she looked_____(sad)at the book and the teacher found the_____(sad)on her face 填字组词:()()风光,()()景物 用“赏”组词填空( )美景 大加( ) ( )音乐 重金( ) 填合适的词:( )的风光 司马迁因触怒汉武帝,入狱受了酷刑,但司马迁忍辱负重,写成了史记,对此,你是如何看待的? 司马迁忍辱负重、屈原跳江,孰轻孰重?ps:好歹给个完整的答案吧 历史上忍辱负重的爷们儿有谁 例:司马迁,韩信 please的词性是什么 please当请讲时词性是什么 School students have to do homework and study for t( )They don't have a lot of f( ) time in the weeYoung kids only do e( ) choresThey help w( ) up after dinnerSome jobs are good w( ) for kids to learn new things They think have no time to do homework 对不?不对给个对的吧! 为什么说《史记》是司马迁的忍辱负重之作? 古文观止的止是什么意思?快点! 《古文观止》的“止”是什么意思啊?我纠结了好久. having spent some time in the city...求高手解释这是什么时态吖?have用现在分词,spent是过去分词. 翻译:Some teachers give students a chance to tell something about themselves to the rest of the class ,too . 描写天刚亮时的景色的词语 描写天气的词语(四个) 描写景色的词语(四个描写天气的词语(四个) 描写景色的词语(四个)描写心情的词语(四个) 描写天气寒冷的词语 描写优美景色的词语 描写人紧张害怕的词语 祈使句中的please是什么词性.. 有没有像司马迁一样古代发愤图强,忍辱负重的人