
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 17:58:33
important of confidence100字左右的小短文~ confidence is important 英语作文 求"confidence is important"为题的英文作文1.What do you think of confidence?2.Why is it important to us?3.How will you improve your confidence?求一篇60字的英文作文,还有一篇翻译后的(指这篇英文作文翻译) 英语作文English is important 新概念英语3全背过能过四级吗? 新概念2背会能过四级吗?我四级考了385分. 背新概念3迎战四级有人说:背诵新概念3的前三十篇文章就可以过四级,这样的说法正确吗,还有,为什么单单背新概念3就可以过四级呢? 新概念三册我是不是背会它四级写作就能过? 背新概念3对过四级有帮助吗?我英语阅读能力还是蛮好的,但是,我自己说不出来,也写不了什么东西,只能看明白文章的意思.大二,这个学期要考四级,学校排的课比较松,我想准备四级的同时,也 — David promised to come round to have supper with us today. — But he ____. I’ve been alone for— David promised to come round to have supper with us today. — But he ____. I’ve been alone for half an hour. A. won’t B. hadn’t C. hasn’ – He promised to come to see you.- But he _______ .I've been alone.A doesn't B didn't C won't D hasn't这里答案是选D 我想问 B D与B有什么区别? my friend Tom said that he would come to my birthdaymy friend tom said that he would come to my birthday party tonight but he _____so far. Tom invited his friend to come to his party.改为同义句,tom _his friend _come to his party 除了星火英语,新概念英语,用什么书好增加英语词汇量比较好?3Q 推荐一下适合我的星火英语书 现在在学新概念一册 星火3500词和新概念2有什么差别?我们高中词汇3500 ,新概念2学完也差不多3500 ,为什么我感觉差距好远 星火高中词3500汇 和新概念词汇完全不同,而且感觉高中3500比新2要难的多,感觉高考更倾向 新概念,星火和华研哪个更好? costume是什么意思 costume party是什么意思? Costume Costume Play costume 学英语达到和老外沟通没有障碍的程度得多长时间呀,怎么样学最快呢? 李明期中考试的成绩表,语文76分,数学A7分,英语8B分,平均分是87分.有两个数字看不清,求李明数学,英语各得了几分 Special For You To male something special is just you have to belive it's special should china revalue its currency请阐明观点 Should China continue its space program?Why or why not?用大约五六句话回答 China should establish English as an official language(双倍分数)再次提问这个问题,最后满意的答案我会给两个问题的分数第十一届外研社杯英语辩论赛的论题,请大家为我提供一些反方论点、材料,包括 宁波幼儿学英语哪家最好?可以体验的吗? 请问宁波哪里有学英语的啊?要好的,越详细越好,最好是在镇海. 宁波哪里学英语好?位置在宁波海曙的,学费比较实惠,我刚工作,没有多少积蓄