
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 04:31:45
谁能给我骑士精神和武士道精神的具体含义? It is reported that ______foreigners come to visit the Great Wall every year.A several thousands of B ten thousands C thousands of D thousands我知道答案就只能是A C之间选择.但我觉得A C没有什么区别? Every year ,a great many visitors come to visit the temple __the 12th century,__has brought a large income.A.dating from; which B.dated from ;which C.which dates from; which D .which dated from ;which请说明理由 英语:名词----形容词(如:sun----sunny)稍微简单些(初中水准) 阳光可以加什么形容词啊? 形容 阳光 的形容词 要优美的中文的 the water company were instructed to keep the people from****to the polluted waterA exposing B being exposed C exposing D being exposing本题选择D.但是我不明白为什么用被动的,难道A不可以吗? The water companies were also instructed not to expose people to polluted water anymore.帮我翻译`````谢谢拉 你现在还在打篮球吗?用英语怎么说 吹膜主要是用什么塑料 many people come to chengdu to visit (pmany people come to chengdu to visit (p ) 请将“people”“come”“visit”“many”“to”“zoo”“the”“night”连成句子 Was it _____he said something that he did______made her cry so sadly第一个空:that/what第二个空: which / that /what 发iə的词语 e发/e/或/i:/的词有哪些(20个以上)错了,是/i/ 用I怎么组词? 英语单选(2道)1.____ it was raining last night!A.How heavy B.How heavily C.What heavy D.What a heavily2.--_____ is it from our school to Daguangming Bridge?--About half an hour's bus trip.A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How much 英语 单选 2道Computers ____ widely ____ in the world.A.are,useB.are,usedC.are,useingD.are,to useMum,please open the door.It is locked.OK,dear.____A.Nothing seriousB.It doesn't matterC.I'm comingD.That's all right 别人送我一条扁平的鱼,又长长的尾巴,尾巴上还有刺,嘴巴在下面不知道是什么鱼, 用“知”字开头的成语接龙 2道英语单选He doesn't only___money; he spends his whole life looking after the poorA.give out B.run away C.give away D.put outTeachers have great __ over their students.A.influence B.start C.habit D.startegy请说明答案和原因 例如第二 鳝鱼是什么鱼 一共有8个萝卜,共重3千克.平均分给4只小兔.每只小兔分到几千克萝卜?要算式 滁州西涧改写400字 谢了要快 10分钟 各位哦不? 把 滁州西涧 改写成400字文章怎么改 关于谦称和尊称的问题.请问以下古人的称呼,是谦称还是尊称?他们分别指谁?孤( )阁下( ) 先生( )卿( ) 谦称、尊称有哪些举几个典型的例子 尊称和谦称 母亲的尊称、谦称,儿子的谦称,女儿的谦称 关于清明节扫墓的好词好句好段 清明节为亲人扫墓 感受200字 实验室设计有什么要求呀