
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 01:35:48
一个很搞的数学题……求助ing四除以零与多少?这是一到计算机方面的答案,尽量不考虑虚数的答案 break the record是习惯用语还是固定搭配大神们帮帮忙? Love you forever in my 翻译一下就OK了,不要来混热闹的啊! no matter what i do ,i always fotget to fotget you 中文意思是? 深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动的重大意义是什么?[exam=5401] The driver was at____loss when_____word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.A.a; the B.不填;不填 C.the; the D.a;不填这题第二空为什么不用the, the driver was at ______loss when _____word came that he forbidden to drive for speeding .A,a;/ B.a;the 甲乙俩车同时从相距224千米的AB两地相对开出,第一次相遇后两车继续向前行驶,两车分别到达对方的出发点后,立即按原路返回继续前进,当第二次相遇时共行驶6小时.已知甲乙两车的速度比是7 正确形式填空:13.After she came out of the hospital,she looked ______ than before.(healthy)15.He did all kinds of ________ things when we met again.(fun)16.----It’s too ________ (noise) in the classroom.Let’s go to the playground.----No. ( )came that he was leaving for Paris the next day A A word B The word C Words D Word请逐一分析,说明理由 填诗句 儿童是那样天真可爱,许多文人墨客写下了精彩的诗句南宋杨万里的“儿童( ),( ).”清代袁枚的“意欲( ),( ).”清代高鼎的“儿童( ),( ).”唐朝胡令能的“路人( ),( that is film who star 连词成句 He likes f---- by that great movie star. The film star looks thinner --------(本人)than in the photo 填一词组 keep a word record的中文意思 keep aworld record的汉语意思是什么 英译中 keep a diary; keep an eye on; keep a world record; culture china;不要自动翻译 要人性化翻译 keep a eorld record的中文翻译 keep the record、 keep a record有什么区别?这里的记录是指吉尼斯记录那种还是记事本那种啊? 班里要选班歌,歌曲:我相信,要重新填词 珠穆朗玛峰上有什么植物?名称?简洁点! I Wish Everyday Could Be Like 歌词 珠穆朗玛峰河谷森林中的微生物 名称珠穆朗玛峰河谷森林中的微生物的 名称 请说名称 3Q. 求英语选择答案 英语选择, "please fill () the blanks with proper words."此句中括号内应填什么介词?please fill ( ) the blanks with proper words.此句中括号内应填什么介词?详细说说相关知识点. 在古代人心目中宇宙是怎样的 句型转换be able to换成两个词 是什么 We Lived in a small house. able to和be likely toHs isn't _____(可能)to come to the meeting.这道题的答案是able,请帮我分析一下原因一集它和likely的区别. 怎么用be able to造一句英语句子 I wish, everyday could be like Christmas 歌词