
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 07:43:17
公司放假通知怎么写十一快到了,老板让我写个放假 通知.可惜文采不好.希望各位文人达士给点意见:主要内容:10.1-10.4日放假,对象公司业务员以及各部门,其中有中秋,如遇到单休自己和部门 放假通知应该怎么写?我公司要放假了,经理让我写个通知,大概意思就是告诉群众们我们几号上班!可是写的委婉一些,朋友们, 企业放假通知怎么写 数学 语文 英语 哪个好啊 问一个简单而迷惑的英语问题,如下……I want to do. 我想做这个简单句子的成分是 want做谓语动词,to do不定式做宾语;还是do做谓语动词?那如果是后一种,want to算什么词性? 为什么我数学那么好语文就不行. 请教几个简单英语的困惑1.i haven't got my bag,我的包丢了(这样的解释我看不懂)2.may have done 这个语法结构的用法是什么? 问一个简单而迷惑的英语问题2,如下……上一个问题说到I want to do.大家都说是want做谓语,to do不定式做宾语.这里把want to就拆开了,但不影响想要做什么的意思.但如果是别的,比如:I have to do.那 丽友桥是明朝的小说吗? 题目为"be happy of what you have"的英语高中 适当形式填空 is he __(like) his brother?单选can you__me clearly?a.look b.look at c.see d.see at说明理由 Even if this is me life,I have pride alive!Believe in yourself! Engilsh..求...快Many shark feed____fish and othr smaller sea animals.A.on B.at C.with D.forMrs Brown has been in china ___two years since he came here.A.as long as B.as much as C.as many as D.as early as engilsh!+40!we are so sorry to hear a big earthquake hit the northwest of Sichuan ______May 12.A at B from C in D on 帮忙回答这些Engilsh问题啊1 The Changjiang River can( ) ships from place to place.2 Are there any windows in your classroom?(同义句)( )your classroom( )any windows? 英语翻译1.She has to sleep like this so she does not float away.2.Then she has a good sleep. Engilshit's (he mum) turn (wash) dishes. 我是高三生.我在英语写作上有问题.我不懂得如何做出有水平的议论,或者说不懂如何以有文采的方式议论写出的句子有点乏味,虽然也有高级短语和句型,但读起来就是觉得很肤浅、强行制造 How long-this library-? thing 这个单词是可数名词还是不可数名词?我是英语菜鸟,祝大家一切顺利. 什么时候用untill 什么时候用 not.unill 英语关于人称用法在BOB说的第二句话里面提到的是第三个人,可是为什么他用的是第三人称的She?而不是her?一、为什么不说her is next door.She is in her office,sir?二、如果换做是一个男的可不可以说H 在英语里下列人称的用法:I I'm my me we 等第一人称 you your 人的名字等第二人称 he him his she her they them their 在什么情况下怎么用? 英语人称 词表 用法跪求英语人称代词表和用法 The little boy has a gift to music改错 Jack has ___great gift for music ; however ,he was not ___success as a singer.A.a ; aB.the ; aC.the ; /D.a ; /求详解 not.untill随便的时态都可以的对吧?例如:I didnot leave unot.untill随便的时态都可以的对吧?例如:I didnot leave untill him entered the room.或者I donot leave untill him enter the room. 请问一块带正电金属极板和一块带负电的电介质材料放在一起算是电容吗 我要寻找数学厉害的朋友,希望帮帮我这个数学特烂的人.464657753,期待数学高材生加我. 6.When the city was ___ ,everyone knew that total defeat was certain .A cut off B cut down C cut across D cut out 7.If we ___ everything ready by now ,we should be having a terrible time tomorrow .A hadn’t got B didn’t get C wouldn’t have got D 5英语选择题,请帮忙详细做解!1.All flights ____ because of the storm , they decided to go to Beijing by train.A having been canceled B had been canceled C having canceled D were canceled2.We shall have completed the work by the time -Are you sure you have to?It's been very late.-I don't know ____ I can do it if not now.A.whereB.whyC.whenD.how-Hello,Jack!Haven't seen you for a long time!-John!____A.How old are you?B.How do you do?C.How's that?D.How time flies!Can