
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 10:35:50
怎么看英文原著学英语我知道遇到生词的时候最好不要查字典,那这个生词就永远放着不管了吗?要不要看完这一章后再查然后记下来?书里肯定会有很多生词、词组和无法理解的句子,用不用管 我是高中生,想提高英语水平,想请大家推荐一下哪本英文小说好harry potter 我四级刚过(466分),想读些英文小说提升下英语水平,请问大家又适合我的吗? 这样看英文小说能提高英语水平吗?我单词量不算太多,但是看小说不查单词理解内容没有问题(当然不是科幻侦探这种难度较高的小说),我挺懒的也不想查单词,如果只是看,能提高英语水平 求能提高英语水平的几部英文小说~比较好懂滴 有什么英文小说适合提高英语水平我初中级别的说 希望大家推荐两本学英语的书本人英语水平大概相当于初一的样子.需要学英语用于与老外聊天. 0基础学英语最好的教科书是?请推荐 英语有几题不会做,顺便帮我检查一下我做的对不对 如何搜英语题 1.If you told us _____he was ,we would decide in the meeting whether he might be emloyed .A.whom B.who C.whomever D.that B.选A 2.______ is obvious .A.Whether there is something wrong with the machine B.How is there something wrong with machine C.Wha 一、单选题1.Word has come____________some guests from Canada will visit our school.A.whatB.thatC.whetherD.when2.I was sure ____________I would overcome all these difficulties.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.whether3.We'll visit Europe next year ___________ 谁知道英语dyned软件的测试题越快越好,在线等,好了再加分 几道英语题(要答题理由)1.When i came into the room,i noticed my friends ( )A.are having a discussion B.discussed C.having a discussion D.to discuss2.There are about sixteen ( )people in shanghai in1959A.millions B.million C.milli 需要答案和理由are these bags made --------- leather?A in B out of2.there are many different kinds of small bars on ------------ of this streetA each side B both side3.how do you operate the vacuum cleaner 这里的operate A work for Bwork on 几道英语题(+理由)Everyone was at the party except you.What happened?I _____after Mike,my pet dog,at home.He was ill.A.have looked B.was looking C.would look D.had lookedKate _____in America for many years,but she's never regretted her deci 英语题目,懂的高手上the visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,(adding)that he had enjoyed his stay here.答案是这个为什么要用现在进行时?稍微了解一点了即一个句子不能有两个动词共存那么 不是求英文解释 而是我想知道几道题的答案 举例子啊 按照题的要求 1.Tell an example of an externality (from “real life” around you).Explain how it is an externality.Isit positive or negative?How could it be possibly corre 根据括号所给单词完成1,She spent her vacation [ ](tour)Paris2,Where was your friend [ ](bear)? 英语题目懂的来回答根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词1,Have you got (e ) time to finish the work?2,Shijiazhuang is in Hebei (P ). 英语翻译(1)医生估计这个患者一周后就可以走路了.--5(我的试卷第5题,下同)(2)我们非常欣赏他的房子.--11(3)几英里之外的人们都能感觉到地震.--14(4)她穿着很有品味.--17(5)如果你会打字,那将对 (懂英语的都进)英语问几道简单的英语题每道题都说得详细些,谢谢.(比如为什么选这个,不选其他的之类的)1.Mr.Black is a friend of __A.your B.Jack C.your father D.you2.This happend at __A.Mr.Whites' B.Mr 我有点累.用英语怎么说 累用英语怎么说 英语翻译 英文翻译:对这场比赛有把握 用所给词的适当形式填空produce grow plant1、Rice mainly in South China2、The young tree last year3、-Where is silk_____________-I have no idea.pleased pleasant pleasure1、We had a class trip last weekend2、My teacher seems with my answ 求语法填空26~35 最好有2~3点.some say college life is a fresh strart.Doyou agree?求英文答案,最好有2~3点.thank you 对于这个问题的答案我没有把握,英翻译 1.Not knowing what to reply ___ such a question,we kept silent.A./ B.to C.with D.on2.Doing all the housework ___ my mother at least three hours a day.A.spends B.affords C.occupies D.spares3.The ___ runner can run 2miles in fifteen minutes.A.common B. 这些英语题做得对吗?求解答