
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:12:01
有理数-23,-5,+7的和比他们的绝对值的和小多少? 有理数-23,-5,+7的和比它们的绝对值的和小多少?写好了一定采纳 甲数是24,比乙数的3分之2多2,乙数是? 甲桶油比乙桶油多3.6千克,从2桶中各取出1千克,甲桶剩下油的24分之2,乙桶剩下油的7分之1,甲桶有几千克 miles什么意思 insurance 100个豆子分成7堆,每堆都是奇数1000个豆子分成7堆每堆都是奇数 ,知道的人就速度发 100个豆子分成9堆,每堆都是奇数 我有100个豆,如何放在七个碗里,而且每个碗里放的都是奇数.急 我有100个豆,而且每个碗里放的都是奇数.如何放在七个碗里 一百颗豆,分六个碗装,只能装单数,怎么装? 19/11×[19/11×(5/x-1)-11]-8=x 请写明去括号后的式子 甲车队有80辆汽车,乙车队有50辆汽车,如果要使乙车队数比甲车队数的2.5倍多4辆,应从甲调多少车辆到乙车队?本题可设___________?这时列出的方程为___________? 甲队有汽车80辆,乙队有汽车48辆,要使两队的汽车一样多,求从甲队调到乙队的车辆数要用解方程那种方法 第19题怎么写,有算式的哦, Lene Marlin有什么好听的歌、? B15*$C$19是什么公式我在EXCEL中做题的时候遇到一道:已知总量和部分所占的百分比,要求部分的数值,我便宜告诉我要用B15*$C$19这个公式,有那位高人帮我讲讲啊! (a+b)*c*d公式怎样解 a∧2+c∧2能用公式解么?什么公式?如上 如果地球没有引力,那我们是不是会飞? 在中子星中有铁吗? 急解英语首字母填空The show f_____ their everyday lives,with stories about them falling in anf out of love,finding and l____ jobs,and dealing with parents,as well as becoming parents themselves.The c____ series has been shown all over the wor 英语首字母填空 1.Mickey had scored all right,but in the r_____ goal.2.All goals should be c____by a happy hug from Mickey.3.At last the silence was broken when Mickey,his face filled with j___,hugged my son tightly and shouted happily 一只不透明的口袋中放着若干个只红球的9只白球,这两种球除了颜色以外没有任何区别,当袋中的球搅匀后,蒙上眼睛从口袋中任意取出一个球.(1)如果取出红球的概率是4分之一,请问袋中共有多 帮我解一下英语题(是首字母填空)It is F____afternoon.S is over.The studeats of Class One are t____about their weekends.At weekends,Wang Bing likes r____story books.Sometimes he p____basketball w____his father.Mike ofter listens to mus 甲,乙,丙三个运动员跑步,甲8分钟跑一圈,乙4分钟跑一圈,丙6分钟跑一圈.三人同时同地出发,至少经过多少分钟后三人才能在原出发地相遇? 中子星的表面磁场是如何产生的? 1画地图要画什么,2世界地图指的是地形图还是政治地图 3其他区域地图指的是地形图还是政治地图,像一些矿产资源和小的城市都用标出来吗?求明白的人告诉我. 世界地图判断地图上的方向假如这是经纬网,则A在B的什么方向?A在C的什么方向? 帮我解决这几个按首字母填空,1.Holland is a E_______ country2.Our new English teacher can play many m______ instrument3.she has never been to an a____ park4there is an old f___ car in the museum5he can speak three f_____ language 首字母填空2道~今晚解决追分Today more and more people are s______ the sea.This is because the population of the Earth is increasing so fast that very s______ the land only will not be able to provide food for every body. One day Tom's donkey was ill,so he b_____a horse from an officer,it was a big,strong animal,and usually nobody rode it e____the officer.It tried to t____Tom o___,but he stayed o____it.Then it suddenly began to run away with him.He tried to turn it to