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补充图片 英语翻译收银员:您好,欢迎光临!请问,会员卡带了吗?需要方便袋吗?您一共消费了**元现金还是刷卡?请刷卡请输入密码请在这里签名找您**元这是您的发票如何翻译:收您100元,找您10元 英语middle什么意思 middle(英语)什么意思?太急了 请问谁知道英语中的middle name(中间名)是根据什么起的?常见到middle name比如Dolores Jane Umbridge中的Jane之类的 我想取个English Middle Name?Middle name 都有哪些 可以选呢?第一 我在 美国 new york 第二 注意文明用语 begin middle school的英文意思 -whom are you playing ____ in the following soccer game?-The team from Weston High SchoolA against B for 求英语作文should i go out with my friends on weekends Teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends every night.改为主动语态怎么改?全句写出来 以should teenagers go out with friends on weekends?为题的作文最近你和父母针对“青少年该不该在周末与朋友外出”进行了讨论.your parent's ideas your ideas1 go over lessons 1...2 have a good sleep 2...3 help parents do h should teenagers go out with their cLassmates on weekends 英语作文 100词左右 should teenagers be allowed to go out on weekends是什么意思 选择同类的一项单词 英语 英语,选择恰当的单词, 英语单词选择再问你两个,我感觉还是答案错了.Our firm regrets to inform you that the computers you ordered last month are()A.out of stock B.out of reachThese new apartments have intensified the parking problem.A.flats B.directions (1) He wrote a lot of novels,many of _________ translated into foreign B.them C.which D.that(2) He wrote a lot of novels,many of _________ were translated into foreign B.them C.which D.that(3) He wrote a lot of novels,an 高一几道英语题1、I don't know the reason _____ he didn't turn up.2、The reason _____ he told me is _____ he was careless.3、My doubt is _____ he can arrive there on time.4、His saggestion is _____ we do that on our own.5、Her mother gives 1.Wait till you are more().It's better to be sure than sorry.A.inspired B.certain C.clam D.staisfied 2.()English is concerned,he is firsy in our class.A.As B.As soon as C.As far as D.How that 3.--()When has the country been open to the internatio 写一写人们互相关爱的事情的作文,要具体事例要注意人物的语言,心理活动,动作等 关于“一张照片的故事”的作文200字左右 英语谚语,连线.1.Time and tide wait for no man. 光阴似箭.2.Time flies. 岁月不等人.3.Time is money. 歇后语连线,一人上阵 左右为难 一只手拍巴掌 急于求成一锄头挖口井 单枪匹马一张竹席子 一点缝隙也没有 一斤面分摊张饼 开胃一块板子做门扇 落后(烙厚) 歇后语连线司马昭之心 弄假成真张飞放严颜 两厢情愿周瑜打黄盖 一言不发徐庶进曹营 路人皆知刘备娶媳妇 粗中有细 歇后语 连线孔明 拳打镇关西 寄人篱下 鲁达 挥泪斩马 费力不讨好猪八戒 进贾府 打抱不平林黛玉 背媳妇 顾全大局连线 一道连线题(歇后语)愚公之居 不着边际旱地逢甘雨 拔不得徐庶进曹营 提不起来蚂蚁搬家 一言不发马尾串豆腐 开门见山老虎的胡子 点点入土隔靴搔痒 ()虎()山 后患无穷画蛇添足 多此一举鼠( _____ ______ ______(最重要的事情)is looking after my sister well 你弟弟比你高多少?is you brother _____ _____ _____ _____ 露西比玛丽跑得快多了.lucy runs _____ _____ _____ than mary.他们的房子和我们的差不多,但是 一、 My mother said ( ) i finished my homework,i can have a rest .A .unt i l B .unlessC .i f D .wh i l eE .aithough F .when 英语翻译Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!We sell all our clithes at very good prices.Do you like sweaters?We have green sweaters for only 15 dollar.Yellow sweaters are only 12 dollar.Do you need trousers?For only 22 dollar.And shorts a 英语翻译从前有一条鱼生活在淡水里面,但有一天它发现咸水里面有一条鱼.他好想与她做朋友.于是它游到咸水那边和那条咸水鱼玩了一天,开头那时那条淡水鱼感觉都5错,但当时间一久条淡水 高一英语试题求详解.—why isn’t David chosen to do the work?---Maybe because he ____experience considered lacking considered to lack considered that it considered to be in need of为什么不能选C? 2010 数学考试附加题?如图,正面是直角梯形,梯形周长椒14厘米,它的体积是( )立方 厘米.(底面梯形 的高是3,腰是5)