
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:39:23
来者(答对/全答上来不必全对)必万分感谢! 小学六年级寒假乐园英语答案(辽大出版义务教育,大连)我的问题都是阅读的,只有少数是直接回答的,我把这类的问题发下来吧英文名字:白雪公主、灰姑娘、小飞侠、玩具总动员里的… 虽然我知道作业是要做的 但是因为一些事情没时间写 (星球地图出版社)的 1.Dinosaurs had long back legs and strong tails to help them to swim.They________out of water to find food.2.Fossils show us the size and shape of dinosayrs.People found fossils of eggs________baby dinosaurs inside. 1._____ are the apples from Dalian?A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How often 2.He sometimes ____ with his father before.(play chess) 1.When you go to Beijing,you will see ( ).A.The Great Wall B.Big Ben C.Buckingham Palace2.The changjiang River is ( ) than the Yellow River.A.taller B.longer C.higher3.Will you play the erhu?No,I ( )A.will B.can't C.won't4.Is Sam stronger than Lingli 第五题 六年级下册英语课堂第29页第2题的第五小题 人教版六年级下册英语课堂第12页第2题答案-———— -———— John?He looks so sad.Because his dog' leg hurts. 是长江出版社的 第41-42的页的 Ⅵ 和Ⅶ读下列对话.ZIP:HELLO!CAN I SPEAK TO ZOOM,PLEASE?ZOOM:THIS IS ZOOM SPEAKING.ZIP:WHERE ARE YOU NOW,ZOOM?ZOOM:I'M AT HOME.I'M EATING MY DINNER.ZIP:WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?I'M AT THE AIRPORT ALREADY.ZO 英语翻译 英语10.怎么写 英语,1.3空 英语翻译口语话题是这样的,就是两个人,其中一个人想买老人与海,但是不知道去哪买.就问另一个人怎么卖.两个人在电话上对话.要长一点的···2—3分钟 英语翻译1 苹果吃了3个后,还剩下2个 2 增加了5个苹果后,总数现在是7个 英语翻译Now the magic master has opened the world's only registered wizard academy,the Grey School of Wizardry,as he prepares to make Hogwarts and the world of Harry Potter a reality."If you've ever read Harry Potter and wondered if wizards reall 英语翻译 3、英语翻译,会采纳! 英语翻译 3、英语翻译求助(全部),会采纳~ 1You may choose __ bag you like in that store if you have enough money A some B any C all D many 2 Is ____ here?No ,Jane is ill in hospital A everybody B somebody C anybody D nobody A 3 What kind of work do you think ___ A will Ido B can I do C could 1My mom loves places ____ is fascinating A where B who Cit D that 2 He was ____ after the ______ work A tired tiring B tiring tired C tired tired C tiring tiring 3 There are many things ____ (do)in Singapore4 Hong Kong is a wonderful [lace for ___(sh 初二的英语和物理题一、英语书面表达 体育运动是很重要的.你经常锻炼吗?请以“My Favorite Sport"为题,写一篇70词左右的英语短文.二、在透明玻璃杯的杯底放一枚硬币,在放一些水.把杯子端 问几道初二的英语题和物理题?英语:1.The students exercise once or twice a week(对画线部分提问)画线部分为once or twice2.I finished my homework.Then I went to bed.(合并为一句话)3.I hope I can improve my English soon.( 1.I forgot my bag at home.2.Your shoes are wet.Take off them. 初二的2道物理+1道英语1.平方米和千克,升和千克、平方米和升、之间的转换是什么?(还要一些平方厘米分米毫升之类的转换)2.一位举重运动员,他的体重为600N,他最多能举起800N的杠铃,这位 1.甲灯标有“220V 60W”、乙灯标有“220V 100W”字样,如果两灯泡钨丝长度一样,则钨丝较粗的是______灯.如果将两灯并联接在220V的电源上,使用相同时间,甲、乙两灯消耗的电能之比是_________;如果 初中英语单项选择 1.Is this museum ( ) you visited the other day A.that B.in which C.the one2.- Where are children - They were ( ) football on the playground just now.A.play B.playing C.to play 3.-Where is Mark - I think he is in the library b 英语单项选择2题1.The fruit should be well ____ during winter.A.keep B.kept c.keeping D.to keep2.Old people must ____ politely.A.speak to B.spoken C.be spoken D.be spoken to 跪求小学五年级英语天天练参考答案 求广州版小学(五年级上)英语活动手册参考答案