
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:41:04
用doing the dishes,deawing pictures,cooking dinner,answering the phone和reading a book用原型或v.+ing形式,每个单词造3个句子 dishes的音标是什么?就要这个词的音标,翻译就不用了 cooking dinner怎么读 help _______ to some fruit,ereryone填yourself ,还是yourselves I want to buy a book ( ) flowersA.of B.on C.with D.at I want to buy a book改同义句I am __ __a book What's your finst name?的答句 请大家帮我男朋友起个英文名,他叫刘畅 Come on,children!Help __to some___. 英语(猜谜语)猜谜语.1.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?It's( )2.What a room has no walls,no doors,no windows,and no floors?It's( )3.What has hands but no feet,a race but no eyes tells but not talk?It's( )4.What is black when it is clean these books ____to him they are mine ——Are these books___? ——No,they are not mine.They——Are these books___?——No,they are not mine.They belong to___.A.your;her B.yours;her C.you;hers D.yours;she A good friend will share your troubles as well as your A good friend will s____ your problems as well as your joys.谁若知道就告诉我, I (want)borrow (a book)(about) (English)from the teacher.括号的单词有一个是错的,找出来,并改正 I want to buy a interesting book about football..这句话有什么错 1 My keys are in my parents' room(对画线部分提问) My watch is in my parents'room.对in my parentsMy watch is in my parents'room.对in my parents'room提问 What's your name?my name is sally. What's your name?My name is jiajia. 选择题:--_________What's your name? --My name is Tim.A.How are you?B.Hi,Tim.C.Excuse me. 为什么别喊我都是喊前面两个字我名字是3个字 为什么总叫前面两个字 好别扭啊 形容词,关于空气,两个字都是气子头,不知道是那两个字 听 唱这两个字都有口和关 为什么古代人的名字都是两个字首先复姓的不算什么字什么号的也不算比如说 岳飞、赵云 之类的别复制粘贴了我问的是 为什么古代人的名字大多数都是两个字的,为什么? 3.A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing to help us ,most of _____ women.A.them B.them are C.whom D.that 选什么 为什么 如果选其他 句子怎么改 what about -----------(group)them into a team of ten _____ of them is on the team.A.neither B.nobody C.both D.all 英语翻译买家须知商品分类 We are a happy school life is the end of the day.这句话是对的还是错的? Only When You Leave 歌词 i like watching them __________(play)ball games.用所给词的适当形式填空