
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:02:52
1.A bully hit Joan on her back and got away very quickly. 2.she hit him in the face.请问第一句on her back 为什么不加the,on the back,像第二题一样.2. Mr Wu says everybody can do something for others ,For example,we can give ourseats to 英语翻译:如果别人走那么你就跑如果别人跑那么你就要跑得更快 月球绕地球和太阳的周期约为29.5天, The 什么 on his face told me that he was angry.A expressionB sight我觉得选A,可答案选B.你们若觉得选A,要确定;若觉选B,要理由. The teacher was so angry at all ____ he had done that his face turned red.A.that B.whatkey:Ball that 是不是等于what?那为什么不选A? The ______on his face told me that he was angry.A. impression B. sight C. appearance D. expression Miss wang teaches very well,and she is very p** with her student 月球绕地球一圈,平均速度是多少?单位是千米每秒.1km/s,低于第一宇宙速度,月球为什么没有掉下来? 在英语国家4年去美国上学还要考托福吗?我已经在英国读了四年书,想去美国读大学.这种情况下还需要考托福吗? 回答的朋友们能不能给个信息来源依据?比如说你是在什么地方了解到的? the past he often made his sister___,bthe past he often made his sister___,but now he is often made __by his sister.A.to cry; to cry B.cry; cry C.to cry; cry D.cry; to cry passes,his,he,skirt,sister,to,the 怎么组成句子 This is__(we)new teacher.She teaches__(we)EnglishThe classroom is__(they)and__(we)is on the first floor__(she)is a new student.__(she)hair is very long 在英语单词中a little ,little,few,a few有什么区别,分别用于什么 伏安法可以测未知电阻吗 伏安法测电阻:未知电阻的电压如何随滑动变阻器的阻值改变而改变 关于a littlewould you like some tea?yes ,just ( ).A very little B little bit C a little请问有AB这两种表达吗?如有怎么用? few、liitle、a few、a little 、much 、many怎么区分,英语选择题里老搞不清 求《希望英语杂志》里听到的首歌`````是前两天在OUTLOOK栏目中听到的.希望之星英语大赛小学组里,每当有选手被淘汰就是这个背景音乐.隐约听到这样的歌词“do you like a friend,really a good friend" 希望英语 结束歌曲2009年希望英语风采大赛上晋级比赛结束后会放一首歌曲,是什么歌曲啊好象有star of outlook……Let's get moving 的歌词还有中文的 希望英语杂志 很早一期希望英语杂志.圣诞专题.的一首英文圣诞歌曲.歌名忘了,歌词也忘了!只记得有marry Christmas 和happy new year. 安徽省学业水平测试技术等第是D的话,怎么办.补考过了 和一次性通过是一样的么.我怎么办现在. 在实际测量中,缺少电流表,用一只电压表和一只定值电阻测未知电阻的阻值! 背单词 用英文怎么讲 What a fuck men.这句英文写的矛盾么? When you are on your computer at home or at school,there are some very important things to keep in的翻译 You can often buy things from the shop on your way home. Please buy some food from the shop ——.A.on your way to home B.to your way homeC.on your way home D.at your way to home 怎样为祖国作贡献400字作文 我需要初二下上海科技出版社的第7章(密度与浮力)第8章(压强)第9章(机械与人)的重要公式!要全面\正确\重点的!悬赏分将提到50! a little ,a bit ,a little bit ,a bit of的用法及区别 我新买了一个户外手电,说是T6的灯泡,请大家帮我看看,是不是T6的灯泡,