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因式分解:2a∧2-a∧2b+(b-2)-(ab-a)∧2 甲乙两地相距360千米,两辆汽车同时从两地相向而行,第一辆汽车每小时45.5千米,3小时后,两车还相距48千 甲、乙两车相距20千米,甲车速度为45千米/时,乙车速度为35千米/时,两车同向而行,经过多少时间甲车上乙车 1.x的四次方+2乘以x的三次方-x+m能因式分解,且有因式x-1,求m的值 2.若x的平方-x+m有公因式x-3,则m=?3.若M+(a的平方-b的平方)=2(a-b)乘以N=2(a-b)(a+2b),(1)求多项式M和N(2)把多项式M+N+b分解因式 (a^2b^2+ab)^2-(ab+4)^2因式分解 因式分解 a^2b^2+ab-2b^2+2b-4816x^4y^2z-x^2z-c^8+256c^2-3c-4a^2+7a-180.49p-1441+10t+25t^2 英寸中的几份几(0/0)是如何计算的,请例公式,例如10 1/4应如何计算成厘米 一个纸箱的总英寸公式怎么算?尺寸为:73*46*56.5CM的总英寸.总面积是多少.不是这个答案.是每千平方英寸哦.我朋友算出来是3.88..好像是厘米化英寸.然后宽+高.然后长*2.我不知道是不是这样.很 三道英语单选题. 三道高考英语单选题 求详解The new idea _ first in Japan has been_to other parts of the world.A carried out;brought out B having been carried out;brought aboutC carried out;brought over D having been carried out;brought in为什么不 1.He said Jane ( ) come to the party,but I don't think so.A.can B.might C.need D.will2.What do you think ( ) her ( A.make,happy B.made ,happy3.Did you see her ( ) in the street when you walked past thereA.to play B.playing C.play D.play第3题请各 一些英语单选题, 英语单选题,一定要有解析啊!1.I had been sitting in my seat for at least two hours,waiting ______A.the train to start B.for the train starting C.for the train to start D.for the train start2.He is the only one of those boys who ___ willing 求面积,写公式,谢谢、(3题) 求高中物理追击问题的简便公式?谢谢! 小刚的关不上的窗的歌词 能不能讲一下两质点相距最近或最远的时候为什么要共速,还有相遇(不相遇)条件这类题目怎么做能不能具体讲一下,一直没搞懂 小刚啊小刚快点上市啊,我的手机快熬不住了,有知道小刚手机什么时候上市的吗? 在一次聚会上,小刚遇见了他的四个朋友,如果每两个人互赠一件礼物,需要几个礼物 设a1=1,a2=5/3,a(n+2)=5/3 a(n+1)- 2/3 an(n属于N*) ,令bn=a(n+1) -an,求数列{bn}的通项公式(2)求数列{n*an}的前n项和Sn. 毕业晚会上,小刚同学准备献唱《朋友,别哭》,可当音乐响起时,他却紧张的忘了词,如果你是主持人,会说什么为他解围? 毕业晚会上,小刚同学准备献唱《朋友别哭》,当音乐响起时,他却紧张得忘记了歌词,如果你是主持人,会说什么为他解围?帮忙做一下这个口语交际 答案越多越好 锐角三角形ABC中,角A,B,C分别为三角形的三边a,b,c所对的角,2asinC=根号3c (1)求角A的大小(2)若三角形面积为根号三,求a的最小值 锐角三角形ABC中,a、b、c分别为A、B、C的对边,且2asinc=根号3c.(1)求角A的大小(2)若a=根号7,且三角形ABC面积 在三角形ABC中,角A、B、C所对的边分别为a,b,c,(b+c)(b-c)=a(a+根号3c),求B is there a park near hotel?改为复数句子!______ _______ ______ _______near here there is a lake near Is there a bookstore near here?的复数句是什么? 请根据实际情况选择正确的答案()1.Dr Sun Yatsen's father was a_____.A.doctor B.farmer C.teacher()2.Dr Sun Yatsen was once(曾经)a_____.A.farmer B.teacher C.doctor()3.In 1911,Dr Sen Yatsen became the_____president of China Situation with Import Tariff Estimated Situation without Tariff World price $0.10 per pound $0.10 per pound Tariff $0.02 per pound 0 Domestic price $0.12 per pound $0.10 per pound Domestic consumption (billions of pounds per year) 20 22 Domestic prod 求广州市七年级下册英语书P5答案 my shopping