
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 05:56:28
I want to ___a doctor in the future.(be ) 用所给词的适当形式填空 i am interested in m_.I want to be a doctor in the future.(补全单词) Linda tried to become an excellent teacher ,and at last she succeeded翻译句子 Linda tried to become an excellent teacher,( ) at last she succeeded.A.so B.or C.but D.andHelp others whenever you can ( ) you will make the world a nicer and place to live.A.and B.or C.since D.but急,说明理由 i think she will become an excellent teacher否定句 Linda doesnt want to go anywhere.She is going to s____ a lot 动画片、漫画和它们的总称动漫分别用英语怎么说? 个位数,十位数的数字的总称用英语怎么说 人的总称是mankind动物的总称用英语怎么说? 将下列句子改成宾语从句.1,How can I get to the post office?Can you tell me?2,Does it often rain here in spring?Do you kown?3,Who can I for help?I don't kown.4,Are you going to fly to London next week?He asked 5,He will get a part-time job t 平面镜成像的规律 哪些昆虫类住宅有特点 月季花的萼片,花瓣,雄蕊与雌蕊颜色与数量 四大名著的英语怎么说? 请问四大名著的英语怎么说啊, 蜘蛛到底属不属于昆虫类根据百度知道对昆虫的定义:昆虫:明显分节的小型无脊椎动物任何一种,包括昆虫纲和其它(例如蜘蛛、螨、蜱、蜈蚣、鼠妇)外表与昆虫相似的成员.最后一句“例如 蜘蛛属于什么类 说蜘蛛不属于昆虫类是因为____.说白鳍豚不属于鱼类是因为___. 蜘蛛不属于昆虫类?常说的昆虫类是怎么定义的?我一直以为是骨头包肉的动物即昆虫也…… 哪个词是借指写文章的能力或人?1.笔杆子;2.笔筒子 给猴一棵树 给虎一座山怎么谈用人之道啊? 给猴一棵树,给虎一座山.用英文怎么写? it is enough to do sth 给“猴一棵树,给虎一座山”有何寓意? 给猴一棵树,给虎一座山.――为什么工作那么难找?我的要求并不高,能学到东西并确保温饱就行了!就因为是应届毕业生而且想从事本专业(建筑施工、预算)的没有经验连机会没有··· 什么 A word is enough It was real 就觉得很朦胧的知道它的意思,又不太清楚. 所谓用人之道就是给猴一棵树,给虎一座山 给人什么? You make it possible for me _______(have)this lovely dog.用适当的形式填空,并告诉我为什么要这样填 菊花的叶,花,枝如何描写 怎样描写菊花 桃花 有几个萼片,几个花瓣,几个雄蕊,几个雌蕊? 急求一个形容词.形容人懂得不多,但是很轻狂,做事鲁莽