
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 14:13:36
有一句话很美,叫什么我想和你一夜白头,顷刻.那句话是什么? 水草什么什么成语 我想问一句话,是网上的,我想知道这句话的原文这句话大概的意思是:人就是这么一种奇怪的动物,在不愿改变自己的同时,却仍然向往着……【后面的完全不记得了】谁能告诉我一下这句话的 我想有没有这样一个成语和一句话 尽管那句话它不顺就是形容一个人只是一时想一点在意一点点就是把某东西或事看得很轻并且不放心上 比如成语 弹指一笑 Travelling by plane is very fast. The plane landed_______(safe)at last There are some_______(ill;sick)cats in the park It snowed heavily last night ,( )prevented me from travelling abroad by planeA that B what C which D when应该选which、吗?可是前面无先行词 the plane l__ sfely at last,填个空,the plane l__ sfely at last.the plane l__ safely at last。 给词的适当形式填空 1.Our plane landed ( ) (safe) in Beijing at 10:00 last 2.给词的适当形式填空1.Our plane landed ( ) (safe) in Beijing at 10:00 last 2.The most ( ) (interest) thimg is to go bieyeling3.They have comfortable rooms ( ) you think it is a good habit to study hard 1,study hard___you will fail. 2 think hard _1,study hard___you will fail. 2 think hard ___you ___have an idea Life is but a span 初中6年级数学练习册6.4的答案 初中的数学练习册有好的么?给推荐几个吧~ 分析一下句型结构 That the life of man is but a dream is a thought which has occurred 初中的数学练习册有哪些好的,给我介绍几本, 高中什么文科数学练习册好 初中人教版数学练习册哪个好{基础}我是一名初二学生.其他成绩都可以,唯独数学很差很差...主要指因为班级风气不太好的原因吧,我从初二就跟不上了.所以求一本主要为讲解的练习册.最 Let's play Make your home and then tell your friend.译法 City lights shine on the harbor Night has fallen down Through the darkness and the shadow I will still go on Long Long Journey Through the darkness Long Long way to go But what are paths across the ocean to the heart that's coming home?Where the road 请看一道改错题 The lady must have waited for you for a long time,mustn't she?The lady must have waited for you for a long time,mustn't she?mustn't->hasn't 为什么呢? 一道高中关于球坐标的变态题目.设x,y,z都是实数,且满足x+y+z=a,x^2+y^2+z^2=a^2/2 (a>0)利用球坐标与直角坐标的转化公式证明:x.y.z都不能是负数,且都不大于2a/3. 分液漏斗检漏的时候为什么塞子还得旋转90度啊,我也不确定是不是90度 the bus left the park at 4 pm and we returned back to school at 5 pm 请指出其中的一个错误, We waited for a long time at the bus stop.The bus ____ arrived.A.at the end of B.ay last C.in the end D.finally Do we need such long time to stay at school? 曹冲称象中的“时”是什么意思 曹冲称象有妙计是什么意思 曹冲称象的其字什么意思? 曹冲称象中"悦"是什么意思 make it your own这句话该怎么理解 曹冲称象里焉是什么意思?