
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 19:01:28
次氯酸钠是盐溶液吗? Tell me.who am 电解水+食盐=次氯酸钠消毒液 用次氯酸钠消毒液代替洗洁精,正好这也是市场所需要的,成本低,又便宜,挨家挨户都买的起.这样的创业方式可行不? 计算机发展时代的划分以什么为标志 问一句丘吉尔的名言记得最后的一句好像是:“当我们攀上最高处,可以举着V字的,代表着胜利的手势.” 大致意思好像是这样的吧 who am I 和 who I am既然猜猜我是谁是guess who I am,那么我是谁是who I am还是who am I.为什么? who am i who am i kidding是什么意思 氧化物成为氯化物一个化合价为2的金属氧化物,成为氯化物,就他的化学方程式? we keep milk in a refrigerator ( ) it will not go bad?A.in case B.so that l'll keep his address ____l need it A.so that B.in order tharC after D.csince求翻译句子意思 和选择答案的意思 如果可以的话顺便提下选择此答案的原因 This is the book .I bought this book two days ago. (合并一句)This is the book I two days ago I bought the book three days ago的同意句 名言赏析:丘吉尔请给我丘吉尔名言“风筝顶着风高飞,而不是顺着风.”或“勇气是能站起来侃侃而谈.勇气也是能坐下来静静倾听”的赏析与解释、感悟. 翻译studies show that men are more likely to suffer from heart attacts than Studies show that those who drink and smoke a lot are more likely to suffer a heart attack.show为什么后面不加S? Studies show that people are more __________ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.A.likely B.possible C.probable D.sure Bob's mom is mab.His room is a mess!She says,"Clean your room!'' Bob puts his toys under his bed. Researches show that the taller you are,the more _______ you are to suffer back pain.A.likely B.possible C.perhaps D.probable who am i什么意思 Who am 有氧酸和无氧酸的酸性强弱分别怎样比较? 怎样根据价电子排布判断该元素是在主族还是副族? i am who i 倒着看是i need you i love you的图片 love,that's what I need from you 什么意思 superjuniorDE的love that i need 每句歌词分别是谁唱的 i don't need love short running foot line of no more than 40 characters是什么意思? SCI投稿要求 It's more than ready for running. More than one man____running now.is还是are? she laughs more than anyone she knows,