
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:12:42
They are tired of the job,but they have to work at it,_.A.so we are B.so do we C.so have we D.so it is with me 《爸爸去哪了》中的明星父子是谁 济南的冬天写景的手法是什么(从景物特点,用词,内容,情感等赏析30到50字) 鲁教版2013年七年级上册语文课本后面的课外古诗 Do you like pets? It's careless___the same mistake again in your composition.A,for you to make B,for you makingC,of you to make D,of you making Do not make the same mistake ___ I did.aslikethat 选哪个呢?为什么呢啊?解释详细一下 谢谢啦 关于advantages and diavantages of raising pets的英语作文. i tried to avoid ( ) (make) the same mistake do you like pets?if yes,what do you prefer to keep as a pet?if not,why?请用英语简单的描述一下:) 小爸爸里的父子在现实生活中是真父子吗? 反义疑问句,I don't think I am a good student,( ) ( )后面的怎么填? 七年级下册语文第一单元的所有课文 有哪些共同点? Given their inexperience ,they have done a good job.中的given可不可以换成considered when you have done something well,they say"good job"为什么用现在完成时 We take exercise every day.我们每天都运动.(every day为状语,修饰动词take,在宾语exercise之后这句话的排列顺序是怎么回事 My father agreed_______exercise every day.A.with take B.taking C.to take D.to taking我想说的是:“我选错了!选成了B.应该是C.请各位热心网友看到后能告诉我为什么不能选B,而选C. smart you have done a good job 表示云和天气变化的俗语 帮忙翻译一篇英语课文,急急急急,谢谢Thanksgiving is an annual one-day to give thanks at the harvest season in Canada. Some people thank God. The holiday is celebrated with family; it is also a time for families to watch the autumn leave My c__1____ friend is my deskmate.She is good at English,but I am w__2___ in it.Once I failed (失败)in a test.I f___3___ very sad and I almost wanted to give up(放弃) this subject.Then my deskmate told me that English was a very i____4___ 英语翻译Agriculturists(农学家) believe amaranth(苋属植物) is the most promising(有 前途的)crop to come along in the near future.It has been discovered that amaranth is a highly nutritious(有营养的) food.It has something that is m he is good at english.(改为同意句) he ( ) ( ) ( )english He is good at English.(同义句转换)He ____ ____ ____ English. Jenny is good at English.(改为同义句)Jenny()()()English 1、如图,在△ABC中,AH⊥BC于H,M为AH中点,若向量AM=a向量AB+b向量AC,则a+b=?写出具体过程 在△ABC中,AB=2,BC=3,∠ABC=60°,AH⊥BC,点M为AH的中点,若(向量)AM=aAB+bAC,则a+b=? 在△ABC中,AH⊥BC于H,M为AH的中点,若AM=λAB+μAC,则λ+μ=? 指出下列各句所运用的表达方式 1长眠地下刚苏醒的化石啊,你讲的故事多么令人神往、惊讶!( ) 2在太阳和指出下列各句所运用的表达方式1长眠地下刚苏醒的化石啊,你讲的故事多么令人神 济南的冬天写景,层次非常清晰.全文围绕济南的冬天“___”这个特点,紧扣着“山”和“水”来写,先写_,后写_,共描绘了三幅山水画,依次是___,___,___. New School,New Life英语作文问题1 what kind of new friends and teachers would you like to have?问题2 what do you think your new school life will be like ?问题3 how will you improve yourself in the future 已知a,b,c在数轴上的对应点分别是点A,B,C如图所示其中点B,C关于原点对称试化简