
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 17:34:24
3.You did not let me drive.If we ____in turn,you ____ so tiredA.drove; didn’t get B.drove; wouldn’t get C.were driving; wouldn’t get D.had driven ; wouldn’t have got4._____it rain tomorrow,we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Brid -you didn't let me drive -if we ----in return ,you ----so tired答案是had driven;wouldn't have got我知道这是虚拟但我觉得这意思好像不太对是不是人称错了 孔子说的善人是什么人?“善人教民七年.” 我觉得是有权有位 而且有政治才能的好人 sin115°与sin95°的大小, sinB=54分之39·sin115° B = 多少度 连词成句``简单英语,1.like,monkeys,eat,to,do,What2.kilo,a,potatoes,half,want,buy,I,to,of3.I,to,would,pieces,cake,two,like,have,of4.this,of,wall,the,Are,room,any,on,pictures,there 微分方程 y'=y的2/3次幂 英语连词成句,west,a litte,china,of,it's,and,north 连词成句英语,(1)result ,my ,with,teacher ,the,the,discussed ,test ,me ,math,of (.)(2)of,what,think ,can,brother ,else,your(?) 朋友们轻装时代q666单反相机摄影三脚架怎样 ,好不好用 求2014青岛市八年级下册暑假生活指导答案? 求青岛出版社八年级下册2014年暑假生活指导答案谢了 设X1,X2是方程2x²-6x+3=0的两个根,利用伟达定理求下列各式的值:①x1x2(x2上带 ² ,x1不带)加上x2x1(x1上带² ,x2上不带)等于② x1分之1-x2分之1= 苹果6几点开发布会 方程2x^2+2x-1=0的两根未x1和x2,求|x1-x2|的值.(用韦达定理及变形公式) 苹果6发布会几点 形容海是动的,用词语用词语说,一组 轻装时代q666三脚架质量怎么样,螺旋支架和球星云台可靠吗,这个架子是否靠得住?同时希望大家能推荐一个比较好的架子, 轻装时代三脚架怎么样 形容动作缓慢的词?形容不为外物所动? 想问.轻装时代 q666c 的碳素三脚架怎么样. 唯女子与小人难养也 这句话什么意思 there is one of my "friends".no,it should be said my "confidants".for a long time,i think we are only confidants.but now i don't think so.beacuse i have fallen loving on him.of course,it isn't a difficult problem.but the condition before this is:i 'm 什么情况下主语可以省略? i don know what did i 失语症的类型分几种 为什么会得失语症 我想问的是失语症能写作吗? 第六题 急 government ownership of banks promote financial development什么意思 某人患有感觉性失语症,表现为会讲话,能看懂文字,能听到声音,却听不懂别人说的话,此人受损伤的部位最可能是大脑皮层感觉区/大脑皮层言语区 你弟弟周末常在干什么?他常给朋友们写电子邮件.翻译