
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 02:32:07
all three的three是什么词性这里的three是不定代词吗? 高二直线与平面成角的一道小题在三角形ABC中,角B是直角,AB=2BC,若BC平行于平面M,AB与M成角为a,求a为何值时,三角形在M内的射影是等腰三角形? 斜线在平面内的射影、直线和平面所成的角平面α外的一个直角在平面α上的射影:①可能是一条直线②可能是一个钝角③可能是一个锐角④可能是一个直角⑤可能是一条直线全都是正确的, sam这个英语单词是什么意思 All big railway stations were filled with passengers at that time ,___were peasants.A.whose seventy percent B.seventy percent of whom为什么不选A 1.soon we climbed up to the top of the mountain,____the whole city came into view 2.He climbed up to the top floor of the tower and soon his head appeared out of the window,___the whole city came into view.from which 2.from where 为什么介词是 新民主主义革命胜利的三大法宝是什么? 怎么理解新民主主义革命取得胜利的三大法宝的关系? “sam”的意思 约分:a的2n+1次方-ab的2n次方分之a的n+2次方-a的2次方b的n次方 答案等于a的n次方+b的n次方分之a如果2x+y=0,xy不等于0,那么分式xy+y的2次方分之x的2次方+2xy的值为?当1<x<2时,(分式x-2分之绝对 补充名言:业( )荒于嬉,行( )毁于随.勤能补拙是良策,( ).( )识遍( ),( )读尽( ). Word2013中如何将文字设置成空心字? 兵和衣这两个空心字怎么做呀,最好有操作截图 I found a girl _____on my way to school tjis morning.A cry B to cry C crying D cried回答时具体点! SAM-930表示什么意思 y,sam 意思 Miss Chen's bad habit is reading without thorough understanding为什么要用reading为什么中间的那个要用reading foreign teacher是什么意思? need什么时候用to …什么时候不加to,什么时候作为情态动词? need做特殊限定动词使用时,为甚麽后面要加不带to的动词不定式再举一些这样的例句 什么时候用need,什么时候用need to,什么时候还是情态动词, 我有一个考试,是关于my teacher的.最好不要带 我 字,老师的不要写.明天考试啊 急,今天就必须要有答案!1、My foreign teacher spoke too fast for me to follow.(同义句)My foreign teacher spoke ____ fast ____ I ____ ____ him.2、I found they were very relaxed.(同义句)I found ____ very ____.3、I have problems i 求《祖国你好》舞蹈的串词. 歌词 祖国你好的歌词 请帮个忙,祖国你好是谁唱的 goat的音标是? 英语翻译This is a step-by-step guide to setting up a face rig.The first steps are to identify key vertices and edgeloops on the face.After the face rig is built,there are steps for tuning of weights,and configuring setDrivenKeys 翻译 I don't fickle,I just easy to be attracted. 谁能给我翻一下.Since I just wishful thinking,nothing more ... 连词组句 a letter is grandma连词组句 a letter is grandma writing