
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:52:40
汽车做初速度v0=3m/s加速度a=0.5m/s^2的匀加速直线运动,那么第4s末的瞬时速度v4=______m/s 如果有心事,如果自己有很不愉快的事情,可是就是说不出哪不愉快,对什么事物都看不顺眼,你会怎么办 若tanα=-3/4,且α是第二象限角.则sin(α+π)= 马文蔚第五版习题3—34一个质量为m的小球,从内壁为半球型的容器边缘点A滑下,设容器质量为m',半径为R,内壁光滑,并放置在摩擦可以忽略的水平桌面上,开始时小球与容器都处于静止状态,当小 物理学教程(马文蔚编)(第二版)习题答案 求高等教育出版社(马文蔚 主编)物理学的习题答案第五版的上册 spss回归分析时使用【强制进入】,本来自变量有8个,出来结果自变量少了一个,什么原因?【强制进入】自变量应该不会少的啊,又不是【逐步】,而且显示的是已经达到容差限制, 黑白相间的“间”的读音 混有哪些读音? 已知f(x)=x+1/x-1,g(x)=bx-1/2x+a,且f[g(x)]=2x/1,求a,b的值 已知f(x)=x^3-1/2x^2+bx+c1,若f(x)的图象有与x轴平行的切线,求b的取值范围2,若f(x)在x=1时取得极值,且x∈[-1,2],f(x)<c^2恒成立,求C的取值范围. 混有哪些读音,并组词 某音乐会门票300元一张,降价后观众增加一半,收入增20%,求降价多少元? 某音乐会的门票300元一张,降价后观众增加了一半,收入增加20%,每张门票降价多少元? 音乐会门票300元一张,降价后观众增加了一半,收入增加了百分之二十,每张门票降价了多少元?要有过程!快! 续写卖油翁 卖油翁续写 文言文《卖油翁》续写,文言文和白话文都可以,一定要有创新我会付给你5金币,因为只剩这么多了. 卖油翁续写 求求你 们拉 超急的快 快 快 快. 续写《卖油翁》 根据实际情况回答问题.1.Who is the tallest in your class?___________________________________2.How many people are there in Shenzhen?________________________________________3.Which seasons do you like best in a year?__________________________ 按实际情况回答问题1.What did your father do this morning2.When did Yang Liwei become the first person from China in space3.How often is there a sunset or sunrise4.Which planet has tow moons in the solar system 根据实际情况,How many crayons do you have I have ------------------------What color do you like I like--------------------- 按实际情况回答Which planet has two moons in the solar system?Who is the tallest in your class?How many people are there in Shenzhen?Which seasons do you like best in a year?Is your classroom big or small? What do you want to be one day?( ) (-3)x(-4)-60÷(-12) -1+5÷(-6分之1)x(-6) (3分之1 - 2分之1)÷(-1又4分之1)÷10分之1请写清楚过程... 按实际情况回答下列问题.1.What do you usually do on the weekend?2.Which season do you like best?Why?3.Is your birthday in September?4.When do you get up?5.What's the date today? 根据实际情况回答下列问题What do you usually do after school?Are youas tall as yuor mother?Can you run faster than the other students in your slass?How do you go to school in the morning?Who goes to bed later,you or your father? They have many balls,but we have [m ] 根据实际情况,回答下列问题.How do you go to school?How does your father go to work?How does your mother go to work?How do you go to Shanghai? 按实际情况回答下列问题!(英语)(1)Which month is the hottest in Guangzhou?(2)What food do Chinese people usually have for dinner?按实际的! 按实际情况回答下列问题!(用英语)1、Whese eyes are bigger than yours in your class?注意:回答的时候可以用自己编的名字