
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 23:08:10
since 与 before 的区别?Mr.Green has lived in China since I came here Mr.Green has lived in China before I came here 第一个正确吗?before是不是也可以用于完成时态? 陕西有多少个县啊 陕西省一共有多少个县 英语翻译这里涉及哪个词组? 陕西省渭南市有多少个县? let's (完全形式)------------------ good evering good morning, charge connectors 英语怎么说 I think my mum is ____work now. deputy general I used to watch TV every day.But I don't have _____time now.A.so many B,such many C,such much D,so much jack used to wear t-shirts every day 改为一般疑问句 什么样的副词可以修饰动词 persist.insist.stick在用法上的区别是 有没有stick sb 插到某人的用法? 2011的ACTS竞赛可以只选择一科或者两科吗?英语和语文的难度怎么样? Everyone wants to be healthy什么意思 An appie a day keep the doctor AN APPIE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY汉语意思是什么? Eat it a day ,keep a doctor away .汉译英 有首歌里面的歌词是done done done的是什么歌…是上次和朋友一起去ktv唱的歌.突然想起了觉得挺好听.是首国语歌.应该有点老了.节奏比较快.不好意思只记得这句歌词了. 有歌词done done done的是什么歌 王蓉唱的 we decided to buy tickets for the jiangyou boat出自哪篇课文 在线等 you're almost I am not what I was请问“I am who I am. acts大学英语竞赛含金量高吗? 小六英语,54题英汉互译,孩子的回答与参考答案不同, 有关时间的句子 有关时间过的很快的句子 有关时间的诗句不用整首诗 Look through your old clothes and see if you have anything to ____.1.give away 2.give in 3.give ou 鼻咽Ca有颈淋巴结M是什么意思 副词可以用逗号然后单独用吗I saved the whole coast flowers waiting for you,but you confiscated her tenderness,rearward(你却在背后默收她给的温柔)这里的rearward怎么用好?或者谁帮我翻译个更好的句子...