
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:14:07
The teacher looks very angry. She wants to __ who broke the window. A.look for B.find out C.find火速,讲明理由 the slower one does the housework是什么意思这个短语 My husband and I always run home after the flim is o___.and the _____one cooks at home I do every single bit of housework ---my husband just does dishes now and thenA.since B.while C.when D.as为什么? 在现在完成时中,has和have在什么时候用. Please do it like this or do it with her.这里为什么用with? she has to face her angry parents那个地方错了?首字母打错了 那个地方有错 has to不是固定用法吗?请把正确的打出来 一定要确定啊,写错了我的后果很惨的…… 商务英语和应用英语有何区别?读哪个就业更好呢? 现在商务英语好就业吗? 对于这件事情的发生我们感到很抱歉. 考察怎么造句 用仔细观察造句 观察有什么造句? 观测造句50 观测造句 Can you ______ soccer game with us?A.come play B.come or play C.come but play D.come and play watching game you soccer a aresister does the practice for your race----------wall,he,putting,poster,the,is,the,on连词成句 有哪些谐音语?(广告语) 由谐音引起的笑话 事故 广告语 有关谐音的广告语 初中英语 don't make a joke with her .she is very she .A.snowman B.joke C. decision D.room写解释初中英语 don't make a ______ with her .she is very shy .A.snowman B.joke C.decision D.room写解释 抱歉我来散分的粗心的人对不起热心 的朋友,不好意思 我来散分的 英语翻译在现代社会的公共评价尺度内,一个国家的国民对待动物态度如何,是衡量一个社会文明程度的重要标志,而动物福利问题上升到立法层面,是社会进步的标志.因此,“恶意传播虐待动物 选出括号部分读音与其他三项不同的单词.(   )1:a:(s)ome   b:(s)ure       c:thi(s)   d:(s)on(   )2:a:(th)rd   b:(th)in       c:w 括号部分中不同读音的单词.w(e)st th(e)n r(e)porter l(e)ftdr(o)p dr(aw) h(o)bby fr(o)m wh(o) b(oo)k sch(oo)l aftern(oo)n Yesterday I was angry with him for ()(keep)me waiting 动词填空. 1.Jane was angry ___ me for keepong her waiting for long A.in B.of C.to D.with 2.Don't spend ____ time on TV A.too many B.too much C.much too D.many too3.Our teacher often warns us ___ in the classroom A..to run B.to not run C.not to run D.to run not be angry with sb for sth和be angry with sb about sth有区别么complain to sb of sth和complain to sb about sth有区别么 The don't have their own bathrooms .They often have a shower at the same tim.翻译成中文. i often have dinner with _____.(their) 单词辨音 A m(u)seum B st(u)dent C men(u) D (u)sually 括号里的u哪个发音不同 选出括号内读音不同的单词 1、A、ph(o)to B、ph(o)ne C、l(o)ng 2、A、b(u)s B、m(u)sic C、st(u)dent3、A、p(e)ncil B、Chin(e)se C、v(e)getable快!迅速!三根鸡毛!十万火急!我要做作业的!