
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 22:49:24
—Ann is quite unfriendly.—I think she's ________ than unfriendly.A.shyer B.shier C.more shy rather D.more shy TEST FIVE 9.aliceacts quite unfriendly.NO.she is than unfrendly.TEST FIVE 9.aliceacts quite unfriendly.NO.she is than unfrendly.A)more shyB)shyerC)more shyerD)shy more (1)有位同学读了《童年》这部小说后,写下了如下一段读后感,请结合小说内容,仿照加点句子续写两个句子《童年》虽说讲述的是作家一段沉重的童年往事,但但小说以一个小孩的眼光来描述, 用适当的代词填空:Who is that over here It is____ I d'like to go for a work .___用适当的代词填空:Who is that over here It is____I d'like to go for a work .____too.What are ____ jobs?They are students.We think to ____.Would praise _ 请帮忙找篇英语作文,题目是《CRIME DOES PAY》找的也行.写的也可以!急用! Crime does not pay. What does "Crime did not pay" mean?是一句谚语,了解的回.机翻的省了.我不确定是不是这个意思呃...如果有依据就最好了哈^^ crime does pay的含义? barbecue怎么读 Tom is a student_____ Grade7 A.at B.of C.on D.with 要讲解 尽信书,则不如无书读了这则典故,你知道孟子为什么不相信《尚书·武成》中这段关于牧野之战的记载吗? 尽信书则不如无书 零零的雨丝,绽放的声音,它点点滴滴,像川流不息.歌名是? 填空.(),不尽长江滚滚来.(),莲动下渔舟.(),此时无声胜有声.(),到黄昏,点点滴滴 请问"夜,寂静无声,只有雨滴在点点滴滴地响着"咋 改病句 yourself futher than you ever you thought you possible could谢谢 Attachments for more details Details refer to the attachment 这两组词汇具体有什么异同之处?Attachments for more details 和 Details refer to the attachment 这两组词汇有什么具体的差别,在正式场合哪个用的比较多? Becoming famous can also make your life___sometimesA.difficult Bdifficulty C.difficultly D.to difficult Sometimes a difficulty in your life can help you struggle less.求这篇文章的原文. 英语改错.it's a fact of life that sometimes your work went unnoticed c'est la vie.哪国语言? c'est la 这是哪国语言? Oui,C'est la vie,C'est le amour.是哪国的语言? 这句词语c'est La vie是什么含意? It is so wet in the area that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring 90 meters.这里为什么用measuring?是现在分词作状语表示条件吗?(我觉得是被测量啊,所以不该用measured吗?) (1/2)It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall.这是什么句子,复合句吗?求解答. 英语:1.on10may ,LinTao was at home alone ,suddenly ,he heard someone shouting "fire,fire!"2.this morning i heard someone shouted"help ,help!"请问1,2两个句子意思一样,为什么第1个句子用shouting 而第2句用了shouted?3the 20-year- wang fang couldn't go to school because the fire burned her neck同义句是什么it wasn't ____ ______wang fang _____ ______ _______ school because the fire burned her neck. I heard the fire alarm改为否定句 芬兰语的尾语谁能解释一下芬兰语单词尾部的意思?-llinen (例:rauhallinen)-nen (例:värinen)-lainen/läinen (例:Kiinalainen)-llainen/lläinen (例:tälläinen)-llisuus (例:rauhallisuus)-mus (例:hakemus)-ton/t 填空:She has changed a lot .She doesn't do the silly things any m_____.