
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:42:42
接口FL, flag的音标是:[flæg] æ这个不是读ai吗?为什么读出来是4声? get down to do还是get down to doing是开始从事的意思? she does go _ _team gamesshe does not go _ _team games 上面的打错了。 friend fresh 画的都是fr发音一样吗 friend的fr发什么音 get on down to the Get down to the bone A police officer guarding the hotel then__ the thief__to stop him A shot; in his leg B shot; in the leg C shot at ; in his leg D shot at; in the leg请问答案是? The criminal(罪犯) could not escape punishment ,which means the criminalA should be punished B could not escape punishedC could not escape from being punishedD could not escape being punished答案是D!!!!!!!!! The police have set up roadblocks to shop people trying to escape.的意思是甚么? 翻译下列诗句:晓看红湿处,花重锦官城. 解释下列诗句 好雨知时节,当春乃发生. 晓看红湿处,花重锦官城. 晓看红湿处,花重锦官城.这句诗是作者的联想吗 我现在很想学英语,可饿自己不知道怎么样下手,希望各位能给我一点帮助.我想学英语,自学,可就是不知道从哪儿学起,很迷茫!希望哪位能帮我一把! The more he flatter me ,the less I like him.请各位帮我分析这个句子的成分the +比较级,the +比较级后面跟的是句子,是比较级引导的状语从句吗? The more you care for someone,the less you understand her.这句英语的汉语意思是什么?急用! Sunshine Movie Theatre 翻译 movie theatre 用中文怎么说 Is it the news ____Bin Laden was shot dead____is being broadcast on TV now?该空都填that,为什么 which room he lives 和which room he lives in有什么区别 The terrorist shot the policeman dead. can的过去式和过去分词,求.○∣\)﹡﹡﹡◎¯≧¯◎ VOA华尔街英语 新东方商业英语怎么样 形容笑的三字词语要三个字的笑嘻嘻,笑哈哈,笑盈盈 不要了,我已有了 he wants (填be动词) a teacher1分钟回答 请问; used to 后加动词原形get used to 后加动词ING形式,这个结构什么时候都不变吗明天就要英语考试了, 请说说主谓宾:To tell you the truth. we usually play basketball 怎么改成问句? 1.To tell you the truth,the accident and the damage______resulted in frightened me so much that I almost gave up driving ever since.A.thatB.itC./D.what为什么选B?2.I would have told him the answer had it been possible ,but I____so busy then.A.was 英语作文语法问题我的英语也不算差的,但是请牛人讲个东西,分数奉上:一句句子中到底有无主语数目限制,有没有动词数目限制?以下句子是否合理呢?The Childhood days shapes the character of the youth, 那个英语辅导机构更好一些?更实用一些.坦途国际英语怎样?他和新东方精英英语一样吗?华尔街英语太贵了