
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:44:10
己知左图中正方形面积是90平方厘米,求阴影部分的面积. continent breakfast 求中文意思 是怎样的一个早餐 用is rude on sb to do sth造句 breakfast time中文意思 汉语句译成英语您随便考查这一类产品.下次见如果产品出现问题,您必须马上与我联系.我会给你一个满意的答案.这是你的赠品我给您出示另一种型号.我向您承诺. there are no configured servers that support the application's deploymet 是 the singers were so welcomed thatthe singers were so welcomed that (make) to sing for a long time.空格处填什么 在 java中出现there are no configured servers that support the application's deploymet type的原因是 雅思、托福、SAT、ACT区别谢谢了, 温哥华SAT和托福考场? My brother was reading while I did my homework.while后面不是接延续性动词吗,为何用did my homework?My brother____ while I ____.A.reads;was doing my homework B.read;did my homeworkC.was reading;was doing my homework D.was reading;did my ho 北京交通大学 托福考场请问这个考场有摄像头么? 监考老师怎么样 监考严么? 中间可以写口语模板么? 托福考点 北京交通大学与北师大相比哪个好? Yemeni opposition rejects president’s plan of reforms,求标题翻译, people go about their How is everything的翻译 小明离家去市中心的体育馆看球赛,进场时发现门票忘在家中,此时离比赛开始还有45分钟,于是他立即步行(匀速)回家取票.在家取票用时2分钟,取道票后,他急忙骑自行车(匀速)赶往体育馆, this is her family photo 改为同义句 this family photo ( ) ( ) THIS IS HER FAMILY PHOTO 改为同义句HERE IS A( ) ( )HER( ).急 —— for our homework ,we can do it after supper.初二上册英语 different是什么意思 different 一个句子里面的助动词助动词我可以知道用来表示语态,时态,构成否定结构,但是最近遇到个问题,不知道一个句子里面最多能有几个助动词,很多人说一个简单句中只能有一个助动词(对应那 两道题!急求解!写清楚步骤!谢谢! 助动词起到了什么作用? 助动词的作用? “傩送”什么意思 i don't agree with后面只能接人吗?接物可不可以 What about May 10th?和 What is May 10th?意思一样吗 “/10th/”是什么意思? Our teacher are always_______ Yes.We all thank thA.work hard ; hard working B.working hard ; hard work C.hard working ; work hard D.hard work ; hard working