
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:46:46
"同位语"英语 怎么说?同位语 用英语怎么说 什么词可以做英语同位语 it's so hot day,but the temperature will be____(low)tomorrow the temperature tomorrow will be 39 (d )怎么写快 it is reported that it will be warmer tomorrow and the temperature will_____again.a,take up.b,go up.c,turn up.d,hold,up. 【求权威】选词填空,可改变形式:When he was yong,he -----play the violin very well (can;be able to)答案上是把be able to 改成was able to.我觉得为什么不能把can改成could填上去呢? 英语中同位语是什么?请举例说说 什么是同位语〔英语 我13岁,我同学睡觉时,他摸我JJ我很爽,但有次我的JJ流出一种沾手的液体,我好害怕,是不是我有病了… 英语同位语Our department was monitored by two supervisors,Bill and me单个词和词组做同位语时需用逗号,句子则不需要么? 英文同位语我这里课文中有一句:everything depends on "if"要求我们反过来提问:what does it all depend on?问题是everything应该是很多东西,可是为什么用it不用them.那个all是不是同位语?用they 英语翻译driver has to ask passengers to step to ther rear of the bus.全句翻译.并语法解释. 什么是黄金三角 黄金三角等腰三角形,两个底角为72°,顶角为36°底角平分线BD交AC于D,D为什么是AC黄金分割点? 黄金三角比点c是线段ab的黄金分割点(ac大于bc),如果分别以c,b为圆心,以ac为半径作互相交将于d,求角DAB的度数 什么是黄金三角设计 I'm running out of time ,I wish that I could take it slow咱是英语白痴.求翻译 如何理解面部“危险三角区” All animals need air and so do plants.为什么不能用so need plants. 考题:All animals need air and ( ).A so plants do B plants are so c so do plants 请讲原因, 先看一下这个句子.Home is home ,(be it) ever so homely.那么这个句子There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened ,(should there be )a sudden loud noise.should there be 为什么不能换成 being there? It is his intention that there should be a computer in th pocket of everybody in the whole world.请分析这句话! 有什么英文电影好看的求大神帮助 Is it the letter (that) you got yesterday (that) makes you so sad为什么括号内要填thatwhat which不行吗?不用翻译,能不能解释地具体点, plants grow and grow的意思, plants trees的英语作文,拜托! 补全对话jan;l have new photos[ ]my family,but[ ]not very good.this is my sister Is Susan good with her sister?怎么翻译 Yesterday,for the first time,shanghai won the bidding for the World Expo 2010 after beating the rivals from Russia,Mexico,poland and South Korea 怎么译 It is important that the aeroplane ______ as light as possible i remember the first time we met,you___in the library.a,were reading.b,had read.c,have read.d,read. but if you can speak in English is better.