
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:02:53
The problem is difficult ________.3QA.to be done B.to be worked out C.to work out D.to doing The problem is__difficult for usthe problem is ___difficult for us ____.A so work outB very too to be worked outC rather too to work outD quite too to work it out为什么是rather too difficult as the problem is 英文:No matter what kind of decision l made,please remember that l love No matter what you do or think ,please remember what I say请帮我看看有没有语法的错误 the young man ----------------- twice,but he did not agree at all.横线上填persuade的适当形式限3分钟,好就给1000分! been是谁的过去分词? 我想问有关loreal paris的纯白色指甲油,这支指甲油的刷好难涂上去啊!我涂上去后发现颜色不均匀……怎么办? LOREAL.PARIS.DERMO The young man _____(吐唾沫) in the public place.只能单词填什么急 写出see的不规则动词过去式和过去分词 It take Ann an hour to play the piano every day同义句 The man has more bread than his wife. 能换成 The man has bread more than his wife.吗?为啥? that is his old watch.(改为否定句) 用英语描述你假期遇到的难题和解决的方法 Imfearing that you but how could tell you that Ireally need you是什么意思 请问..英文中的状语一共有几种? 还有没有像《格列佛游记》这样类型的书? 求《格列佛游记》的作者、成书时间、类别、版本和内容梗概. 跪求初中英语作文Helping others is a great pleasure 由x轴上一点M分别做圆C1:(x+4)^2+(y-3)^2=5与圆C2:(x-2)^2+(y-7)^2=13的切线,切点分别是A、B,则|MA|+|MB|的最小值是() 设a,b都是锐角,且cosa=5分之根号5,sin(a+b)=3/5,则cosb=( ) is he strict? 是he goes to swim还是he goes to swimming? 在△ABC所对的边分别为a,b,c.若a=3,b=2,cos(A+B)=1/2,则c=多少/? Is he strict?转陈述句 “Is that a backpack?-No,it is not.”这句话哪儿错了? 假如你有一个星期,请用8句英语描述你的假期安排 不依赖别人是成功的最佳途径.not to depend on others is the best way to success.1.to success 的含义?我想to变成of 才对吗?2,假如叫你来翻译你会怎么翻? It is not right to be ___(嫉妒)(是envy还是jealous) of the others' success. Lingling often goes swimming on weekends 为什么swim要加ing?这句话是什么时态? he is fat可以吗?