
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:56:06
be open与be opened的区别,后面跟for almost one and a half months应该用哪个 英语翻译Working in your teams,identify each of the gaps that need to be addressed to realize the change.List them in priority on the right side of the tool your fax not working如何翻译 英语翻译:固执己见是没有用的 It's useless to _____ _____ _____ your own view. “寰宇之中”这个词什么意思 假如你是Maria,请根据表格提示内容,写一篇“My busy day”的短文,介绍你在周一的活动.6:30 起床 7:00 吃早饭 7:30 去上学 8:00 开始上课 17:20 放学 17:30 去体育俱乐部 18:30 回家 half open fields and half 却是是上下文不完整,但是你回答这么多,给你辛苦分了,呵呵。 我想自学德语,大家有没有什么好的方法经验可以介绍一下呀? anyone with eyes half 原文是“According to an article in the New York Times,anyone with eyes half open could see this was a celebration of Yao the ambassador,whose successes in America have aided the cause of Chinese professional basketball.” 请学过德语的有经验的前辈帮忙我四月份要考大学德语四级,我是学英语的二外.已经学两年了.但学的不咋滴.听说四级挺简单,但对我估计还是有点难度.还有两个月时间,请有经验的前辈指点一 英语翻译We will suffer if many of our peoplecontinue...... 海豚的音标怎么写? dolphin的音标是什么?dolphin是海豚,我找不到海豚的音标, Modern medicine has made great ( )to the health and welfare of mankind.A.distributions B.contributions C.attributions D.tributes Iran insisted that their peaceful development of nuclear energy___right and the US___fault with theAbe,shouldn't findBwas,shouldn't find为什么选B, If selected,he promised he would do all he could▁▁pulic welfare.(promote) Hello!this is Nancy.Is Yany Ling at home?A.I'm Yany Ling.B.This is Yany Ling.选哪一个,为什么? 1980年 英文怎么说 the proliferation of English does not come without adverse effects.first,it renders a host of indigthe proliferation of English does not come without adverse effects.first,it renders a host of indigenous lauguages obsolete. I'm the host of English modern drama competition是什么意思 有take comfort 1There are ____ on the _____ trees.2Wang Bing is talking______Yang Ling_____his holiday.1A.orange orangesB oranges orangeC oranges oranges2A to for Bwith about C to on take satisfaction to take comfort in knowing his daughter is OK.求翻译 hair shampoo是什么意思 It is no use ______ a lot without doing anything.A.to talk B.talking C.to speak D.speaking选那个?为什么?另外 为什么不用 Speaking? 反思自己的行为,怎么翻译成英语? 我反省我自己的错误,下次绝不在犯用英文怎么翻译 It is no use ______ a lot without doing anything.B.talking D.speaking '翻译一下.选那个?为什么? Remove是什么意思?这个英文怎么解释? I didi not buy anything .i bought nothing改写I didn't see anyong. 像题目一样 什么是Gay拜托各位了 3Q