来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 01:22:04
打点计时器每隔0.02秒打一个点,选择ABCDEF进行测量,(cm) AB=1.5AC=3.32AD=5.46AE=7.92AF=10.7 Are the twe students brothers? 在跳高比赛中,一名运动员在每个试跳高度上只有二次试跳机会? 英译汉,五句话,1.要注意方式,when you refuse her invitation2.these shoes are 大了一点3.police are anxious to her 关于他的行踪的任何互信息4.fortunately jones and his new boss 一开始就很合得来5.she wanted to marry ,but \"花落无声\" 比喻什么样的爱情 一篇经济类文章中的一段,谁能帮我英译汉?In economic times like these,they are also the people looking for a haven,somewhere respectable to sit out the storm.Business schools are,after all,counter-cyclical; applications rise when the e 英语翻译SampleChief administrators of 198 Texas hospitals wereasked to include their hospitals in this study.One-hundred and six of the contacted administratorsagreed to help.The high participation rateof 54 percent is probably attributable to th 雅思总分7.5 听力9分 写作5.5 复议能成功吗?20130713考的,总分7.5 后面是 L9 R8 W5.5 S7 想复议写作 成功率高不?为了尽可能省钱 我是不是应该复议写作和口语两科比较保险?如果复议出来分数不升反 组装一个迷你台机,集显集显,Amd平台,不要独显散热应该不会有大问题,内存一定要Ddr3,其他的太贵,内存4G左右,U主频过2,5就行,机箱沉稳一点,1500下,光驱和显示器不要,硬盘也不用算, 求全集,《微观小世界》,好像是法国动画片,每一个都很短小的那个,现在还在更新吗? 英语翻译It not i want to,.but I need to...It's what love is about.这不是我想的,但是我必须去知道,什么是爱。有没有这种翻译法? 开心寒假的数学(6年级) Mn2+——代表锰元素的化合价为+2价,为什么不对? 英语翻译谁知道,翻译下这张图哦谢谢.. 【英译汉】几句话,要地道的翻译语境:国外同学给我发的邮件,介绍他自己.1,Omg, okay.(omg是什么?)2,I have dealt with foreign kids all of my life so I'm so stoked to have a roommate like that.3,One thing that you are g 英译汉一句,地道些We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. 数学寻找规律 寒假作文写什么序号 1 2 3 4 …… 6……10……50……N点的个数 1 3 6 10 ……21……55……1275……?还有什么发现?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------写 六年级数学寒假作文 英语翻译我是拜仁慕尼黑的球迷.我只有十岁不会英语.我想寄信给拜仁俱乐部...谁帮我...内容【你好,拜仁慕尼黑.我是你的忠实球迷.我来自中国.我非常喜欢看你们比赛.你们能给我穆勒 戈麦 英语翻译 去美国接受本科教育用英语怎么说?ps里的一般当地人怎么说的 纯正的 “请说”“请讲”的英语怎么说?例:A:我告诉你个事哈.B:请讲.ps“请说”“请讲”的英语怎么说?例:A:我告诉你个事哈.B:请讲.ps:请会的人回答,不要用软件翻译的, 英语翻译Good Day Mr.Mai,We have been provided your name from Susie at Taiping Shunyi Plantation.She has informed us that you are the selected agent for exportation of the Bamboo we require for our account in North America.We are one of the two ap 英语翻译We have receivd from Citizenship and Immigration Services the immigrant visa petition that was filed on your behalf.Before we can process your case,you must provide certain essential imformation. 英语翻译We had news from July which didn't seem well,but one never knows which is bad luck and which is good luck.I hope everything will turn out well for her.In the attachment you find our greetings for the tiger-year,which hopefullywill be a fo 命题P:函数f(x)=x3+ax2+ax-a,既有极大值又有极小值,命题q:直线3x+4y-2=0与曲线x2-2ax+y2+a2-1=0有公共点,若命题"p或q为"真,且"p且q"为假,试求a的取值范围 英语翻译HelloMy Name is Stephanie Bamba.from Sierra Loene in west Africa presently residing in Dakar senegal.I was impressed to seek my soul mate,and also i like to establish a long lasting relationship with you.I will be waiting for your reply s (1)鲁迅一生理解农民,同情农民,关心农民的命运,请你举一些例子加以说明(2)鲁迅对农民的思想感情与他小时候有机会接近农民有什么关系? 一个实数的绝对值是√2,这个数是 f(x)=-x∧3+3x-1的极大值和极小值? 求大手解决困惑我觉得单靠发音还不能记得住单词啊比如benefit我记成了banifit了,大手你们是这么记的呢谢谢了 小华说这个凸多边形的内角和为2005°,错了,其实他少加了一个内角,错把一个外角加上了.请问这是个几边形?那错加上了的外角多少度?