
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 08:25:51
Lily doesn't really work there.She ___until the new secretary arrives.A:just helps out B:has just helped outC:is just helping out D:will just help out I like his new hair s_____,it looks cool首字母填空The r____ for the apartment is 120 dollars a month In any competition,f______ comes frist,do you think so?翻译词组 包饺子______泡咖啡______完成句子很抱歉让你久等了.I'm sor 怎样画丑小鸭 迷你版的丑小鸭怎么画啊?谁有丑小鸭的插图? 吊顶面积如何计算 关于颐和园的对联或者有名的诗关于颐和园,我有急用, Many impractical suggestions have been _______ while some reasonable ones have beenA.set up B.turned down C.get up D.get down 四年级作文150字 小学四年级作文150字 It's careless____the same mistake again in your compositionA.for you to make B.for you making C.of you to make D.of you making you mustn't _____ the same mistake again next time .A.take B. make C. taking D. making 写解释 黄河站为什么极夜持续时间为三个月如题 颐和园内与景致结合的两组楹联,还有楹联所描绘的景观名称.光有楹联不行,还要有楹联的出处。 I feel much( )有两个选项不知道选哪个 a:well b:better feel后面可不可以加 so much 初三英语选择,请给出理由,感谢.❤❤❤❤❤希望能给出理由,谢谢.❤❤❤❤❤The government is planing to build another bridge over the river in the year ________A come B co 问一道初三英语选择,要理由.1、A writer and a lecturer_________into the hall while another writer and speaker_____out of it.A was coming ,was coming B was coming were coming C were coming,were coming D were coming was coming 贾岛传译文急用 英语翻译(1)傥缘宽假,得以黄冠归故乡,他日以方外备顾问,可也.(2)孔曰成仁,孟曰取义,惟其义尽,所以仁至. 贾岛的简介 天主教廷用英语怎么说啊 天主教、基督教的葬礼悼词内容是什么?有何区别?英语怎么说?是神父或牧师随机节选圣经中的句子还是有统一的内容?就是尘归尘,土归土那几句,希望有中英对照的版本. 谁知道四年级下学期第15到31课的形近字是什么(请组词) 有feel i so sad这句式的吗如题 求Why Do I Feel So Sad中文歌词~ Why Do I Feel So Sad 歌词 关于《论语八则》等文言文虚词的问题……学而时习之 而:默而知之 之:而:人不知而不愠 而:是以谓之“文”也 之:敏而好学 而:近塞上之人有善术人 之:吾欲之楚 之: 急求七年级上下册的古诗词和文言文,例如《次北固山下》《论语八则》《爱莲说》 苏教版的. 它虽然小,但是一年四季富有迷人的色彩.这句话主要运用了_______和________的修辞手法来描写景物,这样写的好处是_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Don not expect your road through life to be always easy there will be bad times_____good onesA;rather than B;as well as C;or rather D;more than 文言文:的译文一屠暮行,为狼所逼.道旁有夜耕者所遗行室,奔入伏焉.狼自苦中探爪中,屠急捉之,令不可去.顾无计可以死之,惟有小刀不盈寸,遂割破爪下皮,以吹逐之法吹之.极力吹移时,觉狼不甚 古文狼译文