
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:11:22
(共40题、总分40分)1.( ) some mammals came to live in the sea is not known (本题分 People can't afford to buy expensive things_the prices of daily goods going up.AasBforCwithDsince请说明原因 ___D__ some mammals came to live in the sea is not known.[ ] A.Which B.Since C.Although D.How为什么不用which 选D 但选how是做known的宾语? how some mammals came to live in the sea is not known, ____some mammals came to live in the sea is not known.能用which吗 People can't afford to buy expensive things ____the prices of dialy goods going up __________ some medals came to live in the sea is not known.A.Which B.Since C.Although D.How they,what,have,do,连词成句 they,what,have,do )连词称句 Do you think what do they have?.(找出错误)help ____we go at 7:30?What about____it a little earlier?A.Shall;making B.Shall;to makeC.Will;making D.Will;to make怎么选? what should I do to make my little legs more beautiful? 英语小问题:i have never been the one that judge people by the way they look.应该是people judge啊,为什么用that? Shall we make it a little _____?急! really love you so much --What should we do to make salad?---------,we should cut up some vegetables.A.In all B.First of allC.At all D.At first它们之间到底有什么区别? 形容喜欢一个人却不被别人重视的诗句 What classes do you have?一天内回答, 形容喜欢一个人连他喜欢的东西也喜欢的句子形容喜欢他这个人,连他喜欢的东西也喜欢,就是爱屋及乌,有没有好听的句子形容? Love is not finding someone to live with,It's finding someone you can't live without.求翻译, love is not finding so meone to live with. Amy is not enough old to drive a car on the street 考什么知识点 Love is not to find someone to live with,but to find someone to live without. Love is not finding someone to live with; it's finding someone you can't liv Love is not finding someone to live with; it's finding someone you can't live without The man is s___ enough to lift a car. I'm sorry I-------------(keep)you waiting for such a long time. I am sorry ________(keep) you _____(wait) for a long time.老师说第一个空填to keep,可是be sorry for doing sth才是为已发生事件感到抱歉.那么为什么填 to keep呢?后面那个空填什么呢? i'm sorry to keep you ----(wait) for a long time I'm sorry to keep you_______(wait) for em for a long time. There once was a little boy who never knew love until a girl broke his heart. 有首歌 里面的歌词有 i love you you are my everything的 很柔和的...情歌来的..love you的那个i是拖得比较长点点的...后面还有..need you和i~see(saw) you...高手告诉下我这是什么歌- - i wanna see you i wanna love you you are my everything歌词里有这些的 是个女生唱的 节奏比较轻快