
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 12:22:53
If it was a scolding idea,we would have impaired our ability to inspire people 5.已知ax2+bx+c=0是关于x的一元二次方程,其中a、b、c是非零向量,且a与b不共线,则该方程( ). A.至少5.已知ax2+bx+c=0是关于x的一元二次方程,其中a、b、c是非零向量,且a与b不共线,则该方程( ). A.至 matlab求带参数的积分,符号积分解不出,用数值积分怎么搞f(X)=((1+16*(X-1)^2)/(v^2-40*x(x-2)))^(1/2),积分区间(0,2),其中v=1~20使用int解不出 用其他方法怎么搞?注:建议用mathematica就不用回答了, 由于数值过大,不适用matlab数值形式显示,所以有必要将其转换成符号变量.还有,序列值过大,双精度算法并不能得出整个序列的精确结果,所以应该采用符号运算数据类型,不太理解 对于任意向量a、b、c,下列命题中正确的是A、|a*b|=|a||b| B、|a+b|=|a|+|b| C、(a*b)c=a(b*c) D、a*a=|a|2 谁能帮忙分析下这句话得句子成分There is a sympathetic element about the man which I can see must have come from his family. 分析下面这个句子的成分They are Dai(傣族)and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River ,the Chinese part of the river that is called theMekong River in other countries.the Chinese part of the river 充当什么成分, C语言中的while可不可以在一个语句中重复使用?若要重复使用有什么条件?举个例子, 请帮我分析一下句子的成分:If you have any idea who its owner is,please call me . a drought that a government official called the most severe Mexico have ever faced has left two million people without access to water and,coupled with a cold snap,has devastated cropland in nearly half of the country. 求分析一下这个句子的成分My shock and embarrassment at finding mother in tears was a perfect proof of how little I understood the pressures on her. 判断函数奇偶性,在试卷上用话图像的办法, 请帮忙分析下面句子成分,The millions of calculations involved would have lost,had they been done by hand,all practical value by the time they were finished.前面2句是虚拟语气,最后那句是啥意思,在句中做什么成分! 分析下列句子成分 1.our school is not far from my home 2.we will make our school more beautiful3.all of us consedered him grandfather bought me a pair of sports shoes5.he broke a piece of glass last he got home ,tired and hungr 请帮忙分析下这个句子成分South Korea watched this week as Beijing invited Mr.Kim,gave him a tour of the Chinese industrial cities of Dalian and Tianjin and reportedly promised economic aid.as之后的部分是做as的宾语吗?this week与 请问一下这道题怎样求阴影面积 这题是求阴影面积, 这题求阴影面积, 有关圆柱圆锥的奥数练习题.要有答案的. C语言编程如何判断输出的是奇数还是偶数把各位数相加除以2假如能除开就是偶数 输出2000~2050之间的所有闰年,并统计个数,按每5个闰年一行的格式输出这些年号,再另一行输出闰年的个数 编写程序,输入年号,判断它是否为闰年.判断闰年的条件是:如果此年号能被400整除,则它是闰年;如果能被4整除,而不能被100整除,则也是闰年.这个程序怎么写? 成语填空微()微() 请写出生活中成反比例的量,能写多少就写多少. 看一个致命动物的纪录片,是蛇攻击人的片段,为什么拍摄的人在受害者被咬后不去救他? ()服()服填成语 输入从1900年到2050年之间的所有闰年年号,每行显示4个C语言.非常急昂 关于Matlab中使用fsolve求解方程组x^2*y^2-2*x-1=0,x^2-y^2-1=0的解,求高手指导菜鸟,急,建立文件运行结果出错,不知道错在哪里,求高手指导,由于刚学习这个,所以请尽量说详细点,谢谢 我是学设计的,怎样才能学会欣赏艺术? 怎样才能提升自己艺术的欣赏水平? 赏析红楼梦的方法感觉这是一本很好的书可苦于生僻字太多,剧情难以揣测.希望有人指导下怎么赏析这一本好书. 点P的坐标为(1,-1),点Q是直线x+y-4=0上的点,当向量PQ与向量a=(1.-1)垂直时,模|PQ|=