
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:00:11
and are sweet they nice组成一句话 Have some_____.They are sweet and nice 为什么我的小金鱼用没晒过的自来水还不会死? 有机水果是什么意思? 个人住房贷款有哪些种类 这些蔬菜可真新鲜中的新鲜是什么意思? love is all you need 不要直译的 翻译的文雅 抒情一点~ absent 的中文意思 absence minded 和 absent minded 的区别我认为只有absent-minded 可是网上的也搜的到absence minded而且我老师也写absence minded Most Chinese people live mainly() rice A on.B fMost Chinese people live mainly() riceA on.B for.C by.Dat Excuse me.Where are the tigers?They are over there ,b(这里填一个单词,首字母是b)the lions. does he need to know?这里的need为什么不能当情态动词用?构成情态动词的条件是什么? 鱼也需要喝水吗? He who does a thing well does not need to boast一句谚语,要翻译 请问鱼需要喝水吗? 英语翻译The Absent-Minded Me I will tell you a story of what happened to me When my father once lent me his car.Of all the foolish things that I've ever done,This was the most foolish,by far.We arrived at the school,my brother and I,And I put the zn+HNO3=====ZN(NO)3+N2O+H2O怎么配平? 岩石风化怎么消耗二氧化碳的? P4O6+H2O→H3PO3化学配平,顺便能不能教教我怎么配平…… hold 高中历史和地理怎么学啊,只能靠背吗? 从高一开始就认真听课,直到会考那天容易过吗?会考真的简单吗,容不容易? absent absent-minded是形容词+过去分词,没见过这种构词方式啊!求解释 does anyone need an empty plate的意思是什么? Does anyone know how to go on Facebook in China?My computer won't let me use Facebook in China,like what the hell!I need help people!I'm about to die of boredom,my World of Warcraft playtime expired so I practically can't do anything right now...Yaho hold on taut "SO you know how much i need I don't have much money,But my home very need it now. I don't know what do to?是什么意思啊?I don't have much money,But my home very need it now. I don't know what do to?没读书了,英语没知识,知道的朋友说下,谢谢! 补全下列单词,并读一读,sl_ _p s_ _t br_ _k.补全下列单词,并读一读,sl_ _p s_ _t br_ _k _ _ue sh_ _p这些题超出我们学的知识,各位老师同学,答对我给好评, 4-point scale 补全下列单词,并读一读.br_ _n _ _y _ _ass _ _ose qu_ _n _ _eam m_ _th m_ _ntain _ _ock