
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 06:14:06
四棱锥A-BCDE中,底面BCDE为矩形,侧面ABC⊥底面BCDE,BC=2,CD=根号2,AB=AC求二面角C-AD-E的大小 it's true to wait a long time to see a doctor in china Do you have any suggestion about school hospital? the clothes l 四棱锥A-BCDE中,底面BCDE是矩形,侧面ABC垂直于底面BCDE,BC=2,CD=根号2,AB=AC,证明AD垂直于CE had been 用法.He waved desperately to his companion,who had been water skiing for the last fifteen minutes.who 是引导非限定性定语从句,那么had been 在这里是什么时态? 帮忙起一个有意义的英文名字(要有水平的).我叫聂永,男.需要啥信息留言给我. 用爱不释手成语接龙20个.回答,保证给悬赏100.加油哦,亲 英语完成时什么时候用had been,什么时候用has beenRT 最好详细一点 MYOB软件作业代 写的有吗 英语翻译重点是理解copyright in和 copyright to 之间有什么区别, 解铃还需系铃人这个成语故事告诉我们什么道理? 英语翻译我只知道前半句是I got myself into this mess, 晚上是太阳出现还是月亮 1.一意孤行 2.一潭死水 3.一见如故 4.一心一意 5.一碧万顷 6.一鸣惊人 7.一无是处 8.独树一帜分类 作‘专一’讲的有( )作‘同一’讲的有( )作‘全’‘都’讲的有( )作‘刚’‘才’讲的有( ) 解铃还需系铃人(怎么读) 问天何时老?问地何时绝?我心深深处,中有千千结 千结万结解不开,风风雨雨满园来 此愁此恨何时了?我心我情谁能晓!自从当日入重门,风也无言月无痕 唯有心事重重结,谁是系铃解铃人? Which will burn longer,the candle in the old days or the ones of today?也要翻译这句麻烦你们告诉我那个长 How can he c___ all that food?横线上填什么?记住填的是开头字母是c,意思也要符合! feet-_eet-_eet_ _ _-_ _ _ eet sweep-s_eep-s_ eep-_eep it-_it-_it-_it-_it-_it_ _ _feet-_eet-_eet_ _ _-_ _ _ eetsweep-s_eep-s_ eep-_eepit-_it-_it-_it-_it-_it_ _ _cat-_at-_at-_at-_at-_ _atate-_ate-_ate-_ate-_ _ atenoon-_oon-_oon-_ _ oonan-_an-_an-an_-an how can you carry all that food ( )youthey spend a laege amount ( )money ( )the new flat.he needs some help ( )his homeworkMr Black is talking ( )Lucy ( )her study ( )the phoneThe shop is ( )the centre ( )the city 乐知少儿英语好不好? How do you_____ all that food?横线上 填什么 等哦、 英语翻译Thecontentsofthisfilecannotbeunpackd theexecutable youareattemptingtorunhasbeencorrupted.pleaseobtainanothercopyofthefile,verifyitsintegrity,andtryagainThe content of this file cannot be unpackd。The executable you are attempting to run 亭、台、楼、阁有什么区别,其特征分别是什么? 等边三角形的面积为根号3,则它的周长为多少?如题 John hit the thief _________. A. him on the head B. him on his head C. him in the head D. him by his head 什么台亭榭 小榭的意思 急求一篇的书评,800字字数不要太多,800字左右就可以了.最好是原创.最好在8月14号前. 台榭楼阁的意思10分钟,快 求高中生游记一篇至少800字, 榭的含义