
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 09:47:44
应该是in the meeting 还是 at a meeting? sports meeting 前面介词用什么at?in? meeting前用的介词是on,at还是in? 求助! 电影有许多种类,有喜剧,动作片,还有纪录片等.你是如何评价这几种电影的呢?请写一篇70词左右的英语短文 上课的时候坐在我后面的同学总是说话,不能认真听课了怎么办这个人特别奇怪,比如,老师说一道选择题:“来看下一题”,然后他就开始用不大不小的声音报他的答案“C C C C……”,直到老师 什么同学认真地听课 ; we had to put the meeting off. A. Because the manager was ill B. The manager being ill C. The manager was ill D. Being ill请详解 The meeting was put off nutil next week ,which was exactly ____we wanted.A it B which C that D what .我选的是D.如果没有问题,请朋友们给个解释. 英语翻译中英文都要对应写出来! always with me什么意思啊 “悲伤”用拉丁语怎么说蛋疼,怎么两个?用汉语谐音一下谢谢了 求计算机软件技术基础课后答案,清华大学出版社的. 拉丁语 “守护爱情”怎么说?不懂拉丁语,不会词性变化,我只记得守护信仰是Tuitio Fidei,那么,用tuitio amo 急求计算机导论第三版课后答案1~7章(清华大学出版社) 这题怎么写急急急精密零件图纸上的比例尺,一般都写成后项是1的比,表示把实际长度扩大为原来的若干倍以后画在纸上.例如:一种0.5毫米的微型零件,画在图纸上上1厘米,在张图纸的比例尺是 写题题题题··········急····春节期间,你是否离开过家人,时逢佳节,思念家乡亲人的感受:或是在家与亲人团聚,思念独在异乡的亲人?请选一种感受,写一些吧,看谁能写出诗一般的语言. 这题怎么写急 这题怎么写?急小红在读一个小数是,把小数点看丢了,结果读成了八万三千零五.原来的小数只读出一个“零”,原来的小数是( ) αγγελοs怎么读?我想知道你们是怎样看到这单词就会读的?总不可能读成“啊尔发伽马伽马西格马……吧?”有什么拼写规律?难道和拉丁语有关?不然为什么会有(拉丁字母转写表)还有它的上 There was such a long line at the exhibition ________ we had to wait for about half an hour.选项: a、as b、 that c、 so d、 hence 关于希腊语的问题希腊语好不好学? There was such a long line at the exhibition__we had to wait for half an hour.A.as B.that C.so D.hence 为什么是B,不是C? There was such a long line at the store () we had to wait for about half an hour.A.so B.because C.and D.or 仿写书是钥匙,能开启智慧之门大家帮帮偶滴忙啦 英语翻译the wrong medicine A farmer had a very valuable cow.He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill,he was very worried.He telephoned the vet."What's the problem?"the vet asked him when he arrived."My cow's very sick," the 如何写好一则消息消息的六要素如何表述 高血压的舒张压和收缩压是怎么表示的 舒张压和收缩压是什么意思 英语翻译Informed consent assumes people have the mental capacity to make decisions; disease,development,or medications can compromise,patients mental capacity to provide informed consent .Technically,adults are presumed to have the legal competen 挫锐解纷 服务至上 英文翻译 不要用各种翻译软件搜索结果哦 需要英文大神给翻译一下 意译哦··不要直译 如何用希腊语说“希腊” 当骄阳渐渐远去,半月高悬,当霓虹点点闪起昏夜降临,我们拿什么证明自己在这个城市的存在?