
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:52:04
in the 1660s与in the 1660‘s的区别 He was bron in (the 1660s) (the 1660's) 哪个对? pimp my ride 是什么 pimp my ride 第二季请问这个pimp my ride 改装车节目,第二季第一季里改装一辆1984年凯迪拉克豪华车,有一向改动是最后在后轮的后方加了两根细钢筋似的东西,是有一个改装工人叫BIG DANE大个子丹 英语翻译一档国外的汽车改装节目,要怎么翻译才比较准备. xzibit改车节目pimp my ride这档节目改车的费用谁出呀,我看改完的车都超漂亮,普通老百姓貌似出不起这费用吧 Everyone in my class ___(know)this smart teacher. This is a "NO smoking" sign.Can't you see it?Sorry,I ______it填A.haven't seen B.don't see C.won't see D.didn't see Found:A black watch Is this your watch?A teacher it in the classroom of Class 3,A teacher it in the classroom of Class 3,Grade 7.Please call Jason at 6788-7655.-------- finds a watch. ​This is no-smoking zone.Can't you see the sigh?Sorry,I_______it.This is no-smoking zone.Can't you see the sigh?Sorry,I_______it.A.haven't seen B.won't see C.don't see D.didn't see请问选A和选D有什么区别,我感觉两个都可以, the teacher ___my cd player because i used it in class this morningA.takes away B.took away C.put away D.got away2.i did not want to talk about that ___the phone,A.on B.if C.until D.because My class teacher_______you this afternoon ,but no one answered.A.did telephone B.had telephoned C.do telephone D.would telephone 改错 What size are your foot?I am Size Eight. What size are your father's____(foot)? ()are your feet?I am size eight.a:what.b:how big.c:what size.d:which 【英语】Haven’t you seen the sign,___(read)"NO PHOTOS" haven't you seen the notice "no photos_____here"?--- I am sorry,I _____________A,is allowed taking ,didn't notice B.should be allowed to take ,haven't noticed C.s allowed to take ,was not noticing D.should be allowed taking,was not noticing fall into fall的搭配如 fall into 多点 改错:What size are your foot? What s__ are your feet I saw the old man on my _____ A.way at home B.way to home C.way to go home D.way home Yesterday on my way home ,I saw an a_____thing I saw li ming (play) near the river on my way home Excuse me,sir.This is a non- smoking room.Oh,sorry.I( )the sign A.didn’t see B.did n’t 用含有put的英语翻译“处死” 英语翻译:与put option相关的put 1.What __ are your shoes?2.Thirty-six.(color size shape big)哪个正确? 表示颜色的四字词语, “你在我心中是没有人可以取代的,我只喜欢你!希望你会知道我对你是真心的!” 老妪磨杵的故事内容和寓意是什么? 老妪力虽衰的虽是什么意思