
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 13:44:36
5的音乐英语写法5读索 急为什么要用过去时were?Tom,Mike,and Mary were classmates of Stephen's.汤姆,迈克和玛丽是史迪文的同学. 请问什么是过去时 将来进行时中,hold为什么要用过去时?这句话:the olympic games will be HELD in our country in four years' time.held作为hold的过去时为什么会用在这里好像是将来时态的地方. 句子中的spike为什么要用过去时呢Car sales spiked in this month.这句话的意思是这个月车的销量猛增.句中不是有了in this month,那为什么spike用了过去时呢? 高中英语作文不会写怎么办我们25分满,我就10,特别差,我不知道怎么办,不但写的简单还有错误,而且还编不出字数,非常苦恼,初三也没这样,上高中就变这样了,希望帮我指点一下,还有说说自己 go,go,just go. just i find watching movies frustrating中watch为什么加ing? 六级成绩查询230280092207611 六级成绩查询 不要出现名字谢谢,出现下姓210170092202407 什么是过去时 英語同義句 1.can you tell of what i should say at the meeting ...英語同義句 1.can you tell of what i should say at the meeting 2.the drawer is full of the old pictures .3.can you tell me what i should say at the meeting with,your,project,is,man,a,brother,the,new(连词成句)是问句.well it English is learn important to us for (连词成句)是句号 再过一百年地球会是什么样呢? the man a han\t is handsome with 连词成句急需啊~谢谢~之前的写错了 抱歉 ~ the man a hat is handsome with 连词成句 My pride,my destiny 长江是世界上第三长的河流仅次于尼罗河和亚马逊河的英语怎么说 也许你的心脏有问题._______ there's _______ _______your heart. let 's talk about your ____today and what you will do to realize themAfindingsBsuggestedCreportedDrefused I understood what Mr Wang said at the meeting改为否定句 怎样练好倒立行走 情态动词过去时我的理解看是否对我认为呀不管虚拟语气还是任何地方出现过去情态动词,它表示的意思是跟现在时情态动词有对应关系.can,will,shall,是肯定要发生动作,但是不是现在.could,would, 过去时有情态动词can时,实义动词变过去时吗 山地与丘陵的相同点 中国的山地,丘陵有哪些? as long as与as soon as的区别我在仁爱英语时报上见到了这样一个题目弄不明白请大家帮忙看一下:____you have a chance to study in a foreign country, just take it.A.As soon as B.As good as C.As well as D.As long as我 as long as和as soon as的区别 as long as和as soon as区别 as soon as while as far as as long as 区别The thief was caugh( ) he picked a wallet out of a man's pocket 中国菜的英文说法怎么样 我会做一些中国菜.翻译成英文