
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:51:17
there are pen ,a knife and several books on the desk.哪错了? 求和Panda发音相似的女英文名.RT、跟panda有点关系的就行. he has several books on the desk,but neither of them is on histor. Smoking_____(not allow)in public libary.Although i live_____,i don't feel lonely.(alone) SORRY,I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU SAY.I DONT UNDERSTAND 谁能帮翻译下. They each buy a T-shirt的同义句,They buy a T-shirt------- 还有一句长的:---- ----- ---- a T-shirt I always waiting for someone who I can stay in his life.怎么翻? 求和陈璐中文名读音相似的英文名 英语翻译帮我翻译下 If you believe you can win,you can!中文怎么翻译? I believe i can...what are you doing nowdays翻译中文 I don't think Mary understood what you said,_____? I B.didn’t she C.did you D.did she选什么 为什么? —What do you think made Mary soupset?_____her new bike.A.As she 请帮忙译No More Excuses.I Do Not Want To Hear It 歌曲《朋友的酒》里面最后一句蒙语怎样发音啊. he did not want to read any more paperi asked jim to go to the cinema with me,so(划线) he was able(划线)to go with me改正划线部分的单词 朋友的酒- 最后一句的蒙文怎么唱的?(不是要汉语翻译) I still believe Someday you and me帮忙翻译下, i still believe someday you and me有首歌里的歌词这首歌的歌名是什么? 一首英文歌曲名I still believe 翻译成中文叫什么?/ 英语翻译歌词是It was a clear summer day when I saw the tears on your face I knew that our time was up on us Our moment of end was so fast but the kiss of goodbye always lasts not even time could fade it away Even though you are no longer here i don't understand what you 've said 什么意思啊 请问but I don't understand what you said .I only want to express that I won't give up now .Do youknow? One minute to say I love you one hour to explain it ,a whole life to prove … 谁能告诉One minute to say I love you one hour to explain it ,a whole life to prove … “内蒙古自治区财政厅”蒙语怎么写? 内蒙古自治区环境保护局蒙文怎么写?请教“内蒙古自治区环境保护局”用蒙文怎么写? 内蒙古用蒙文怎么写? 内蒙联通蒙文怎么写,谢谢了 着急! 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词.The (b )is one hundred years old. A _____is a hundred years空里填什么 Follow your heart ,follow your dream ,i believe i believe i believe in you !要用自己的话翻译!谢谢! I can understand all ____you said.A.what B.that 要详解