
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:42:26
(1/2x方+xy-1.5y方)/(x方-y方) 2010世界艾滋病日主题英语翻译是什么 英语翻译本工程是18层剪力墙结构体系,设计此结构体系力求平面结构布置对称,剪力墙布置均匀落地.在设计过程中,梁、柱和剪力墙的布置充分考虑了建筑物的使用功能和结构的合理性,既满足 May I look at your new coat=May I----- ----- ------- your new coat中间有4个空 梁山伯与祝英台的故事到底是怎么样的? We have an English evening p________ on May 5th. I have to work every evening用英语改为否定句 He reads English f(or half an hour) every evening.划线句提问 动词,名词, service “服务”的名词,动词,动名词分别是什么? 中国历史上像詹天佑这样杰出的人物有哪些 为什么说"詹天佑是我国杰出的科学家"?六年极上册课文 初中重点语法.短语之类的. 诺贝尔奖共分多少? 有谁知道诺贝尔奖分哪几类?好象有文学、和平,还有什么呀? I have a new computer.Let me_______it.A.see B.look at 为什么? 英语选择题Look at()?Look at()?A.Lucy and them B.they and Lucy C.she and they D.she and their 用不过造句子 用"仿佛"来造个句子有谁知道的快说哦 要用哦 around the country=_____ _____ the country.(同义句) 诺贝尔奖分为几类? across the country和 around.the country的区别 Travelling around the WorldWalt Disney was born in Chicago (芝加哥) in 1901.He enjoyed drawing.He was very poor (贫穷).He draw pictures in his father’s garage (车库).One day a mouse came into the garage and played on the floor.Disney gave hi we have a t--------- every month we have a Chinese( )every monthwe have a Chinese( )every month 我们每月有一次校园演出活动.We have a ( )( )every month 农业谚语和所含的意义写出三条农业谚语就够了 ,和他所包含的意义 ..3q~ Mr wood began his trip last Friday.Tow days later,when he was traveling in t 看透了你 用英文怎么讲 麻烦大家帮我想个帅气的男生英文名啊!我的中文名字是 宇庭 麻烦大家帮我想一个好的英文名啊要帅气,个性最重要的是要和中文名字发音相近 翻英语"他看穿你了"翻英语"他看穿了你" when was the last timethe country hosted the olympic games句中的LAST TIME怎么翻译?最近还是最后?因为这个是一个题目.而课文是用将来时写的.所以我猜是不是最近,如果是最近为什么它的题目用过去时来提