
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 05:56:01
高一英语时态与语态Do you knowwhen the man he is looking forward to ___? this evening. A.coming B.will come C.come D.comes 详解,多谢! 我选择我的生活 英文怎么说- -谁说说 咱英盲 高一英语题_动词时态和语态No decision ___about any future appointment until all the canadiates have been interviewed.A will be made B is made C is being made D has been made 选什么?理由. 现在英语的rubber还有condom的意思吗?在牛津字典里面说这个是old fashined.那现在还有人用嘛? 4世纪中期氐族苻坚建立的前秦政权为什么叫做“前秦”呢? 4世纪后期前秦和北魏为什么同时统一黄河流域? 给某人树立了好榜样 英文是 set an example for还是to啊. so I knew how moved he was to write me that .这句话moved为什么用在he的前面,怎样翻译 “忘记昨天那段不愉快的回忆”用英语怎么说啊 人工挖孔桩关于桩长的问题人工挖孔桩上有个600MM高的承台.承台低到桩底假设为10米.现问:桩长是10.6米还是10米啊?另:桩顶浮浆高度一般是多少高?算不算在桩长内? 已知M={x|-2≤x≤5},N={x|a+1≤x≤2a-1}(1) 若M包含N,求实数a的取值范围(2)若N包含M 求实数a的取值范围注意 我老师说好像要先考虑空集 SAT和托福应该在多少分数上可以进WELLESLEY COLLEGE? 已知M={X|2≦X≦5},N={X|a+1≦x≦2a_1} 求M属于N A的取值范围 N属于已知M={X|2≦X≦5},N={X|a+1≦x≦2a_1}求M属于N A的取值范围N属于M A范围 sat 2080,sat2 2310,托福101,RD smith college 的可能性有多大? this is 什么 the rule.语法填空.意思是我被发现在学校吸烟,这是校规不允许的..填一个什么 语法填空 怎么填呢? 去南加州大学读本科 电影学院和媒体学都需要什么样的托福和SAT成绩? |X-a| {a/5-b/2=2,2a+3b=4 为某人树立榜样是set an example for还是to? set an example for还是to set an example to 是榜样还是举例的意思?那take sb as an example set an example to 、、、与set an example for、、、有何异同? 你说我们应该怎样度过自己的一生,应该怎样规划自己的生活呢? 英语翻译A lesson in "heart" is my little 10-year-old daughter,Sarah,who was born with a muscle missing in her foot and who wears a brace all the time.She came home one beautiful spring day to tell me she had competed in "field day" - that's where 什么是condom? 已知集合A=[x满足-2≤x≤5].B=[x满足a+1≤x≤2a–1].若A真包含于B,求a的范围. 集合A={x|-2≤x≤5},B={x|a+1≤x≤2a-1},求下列条件下a的取值范围.(1)B的子集只有一个(2)A∩B=B 急用!A={x|2a≤x≤a+3},B={x<-1或x>5},若A并B=B,求a的范围 A lot of children (have to)learn this or that on the weekens,though they hate doing it.为什么要有have to?has to 有需要CONDOM的吗? 五条谚语