
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:05:34
Having a hot bath after work can make you feel __(relax) there is usually ____ ____ ___ of rain in August 怎么填注意有了OF句子意思:八月份雨水多 how do ypu usually go to work?if it doesn't rain ,l _____on foot.是go 还是will go 答案是前者,觉得很奇怪,不是从现么? 英语那里翻译 He usually sleeps and ___(relax) 20 hours every day. 求2英语作文1.something about the spring festival 2.something about your winter holiday I_____I have time,I will come. write an email to your friend about your holiday90-100字 I have never doubted -----he will come today,but I do doubt-----he will come on time.A.that,that.B.whether,that.C.that,whether.D.whether,whether麻烦再翻译一下整个句子 新概念英语第一册学语法吗? 英语翻译翻译后面的一句. 英语翻译请英语翻译一下There is something amazing in the sky.Do you see it?It's a rainbow.When de sun is shining and there is rain as well,you may see a rainbow in the sky.Wow,there are two rainbow.Can tou count all the colors of the rainbo 英文翻译成中文Best wbhes to you May you have a bright futuve!Come on! Don't come near me,I have radiation! 英语自我介绍(不需要太长)翻译内容:我叫杨XX 13岁 偶像东方神起 我希望通过这次补习 使自己的英语成绩有所提高 并希望能在这段时间里与大家相处愉快 i have no feeling to you, 英语翻译前面的我都知道了,主要的一段是(I love you)Do you know where you go when you give it all awayI'll be there for you,care for youLove you everyday oh babyAnd do you feel the same for me?Everyday you're awayAnd I feel a little lo 谁有have a nice day中文翻译? 关于BBOX雷鬼的非洲鼓三个音构成发音视频里都说是用无气R+内鼓+鼻音.无气R是嘴巴张开向里吸发类似‘嗝’这字的发音.内鼓是闭嘴振动喉咙发类似‘恩’的声音,鼻音就是发‘恩’的调,鼻 something coming英文翻译 将sth 三位一体 英文翻译 英语翻译清晰易懂.简短一些~ I 'm sorry to bother you I don't know if you will come tomorrow ,if you come please call me怎么翻译? pardon me sorry to bother you 娱乐场所用英语怎么说? 来玩玩英语怎么说 你说:“让我们珍惜彼此在一起的每一分钟.” 英文怎么说 英语翻译机器绕行 这句话对我真的很重要 还有 这样的一份心意指的是“你珍惜我”而不是 你珍惜我的心意~翻译时麻烦注意一下拉 “时事”用英语怎么说?有一个总标题是新闻,下面一个小标题之一是“时事”.如果总标题是News的话,那这个时事用英语怎么说? 虚假用英语怎么说? 这是一则虚假的报道.用英语怎么说这个句子?